The turret is bent, but the scope is not broken and functions as it should, as far as my shooting ability can tell.
I went out today and did the following without touching the scope except for twisting the elevation turret after last weekend's debacle to make sure it still works:
1. Zero check 10 rd
2. Zero adjust verification 10 rd
3. Tall tracking test 10 rd each setting
4. RTZ 5 rd
A caveat with the zero check is that today was at the range, shooting from a bench. I shot off a sandbag using a rabbit ear thing as my rear. Generally, prone to bench will change my zero a bit, but not very much.
Below are two target's from last weekend on left and today's 10rd zero check on the right. Bottom left target is 8 rd zero adjust verification and 18" drops. Zero was very close to bull. Top left target involves 36" drops that bent my turret and also obviously knocked something out of alignment. Right target is zero check today. Obviously, the zero is off by about 0.2 right and 0.2 down. Today is very close to the last drop test shots I did. Keep in mind, the zero shift could be from the stock/action shifting, but considering I bent the elevation turret ... Likely from the scope.
Adjusted 0.2 mil up and 0.2 mil left. Then shot 10. It looks like it adjusted fairly closely, but is a little more than a mil further left than it should be. It's possible that during the drops, something bound up and didn't come loose with shooting, but adjusting the windage turret released it, so it's now sitting where it originally was before dropping it at 36". It's hard to say... Just guessing here. I put a small dot with a pen where the group center is.
This also contains the RTZ shots. 5 rounds, 210ish mils dialed between shots. All inside the same group from zero adjust verification.
Tracking test. I'd planned on doing 10 mils at 100 yds, but I didn't realize that at the range the berm in front of the targets would block my lower bull from view. I improvised and with a couple of extra bulls I put on the board. They looked like a hair over 7.5 mils. I dialed 7.5 mils for some reason. Should have been 7.6.
I had put two bulls 10 mils apart on the target, drew a straight line between, and made sure it was plumb when mounting the target. This ended up being a line I used to make sure my reticle was plumb.
Shot 1 at lower target. Dialed 7.5 up and shot aiming at lower target. Dialed back down and repeated. 10 rds on each target. I used the 36" target line as a plumb line to make sure my reticle was plumb since I didn't have one on the target I was aiming at.
Target bulls are 27.5 on center. I drew the lines after getting home to see if the scope tracks vertically and give and indication of where it should have adjusted to and where it actually adjusted to. The top bull is a little left of the plumb line, so try to ignore the top bull itself. The X on the top is the actual bull location (but a little high).
Expected distance between poa/poi is 27.0 inches. Actual distance between poa/poi is 27.3. the 7.5 mil dialed group is about 1/8" left of the plumb line. Probably within my shooting error.
Vertical tacking error is 1.09%. Not bad considering I suck at shooting and I nearly broke my scope being a dumb F*%+ last weekend.
Overall, I think the scope is pretty spot on for my accuracy, despite my best efforts to break it. Maybe these results would be different with a better shooter and collimator. I don't know. I'm satisfied and don't plan on abusing Maven's warranty and CS. Kudos Maven, please do this with your RS.2. now I need to go throw it around some more.