FINALLY. My money is ready.
When I bought the Gen 1 no-mag, I returned it due to the external bungee cord. That cord caused it to get caught on the side of of the pouch no matter what adjustment I and how slow I opened it. I'd really like to see videos of others that love them and how they open them without issue.
Anyway, back to the original comment. When I called to return, it was mentioned this was the number one complaint and they were looking at modifying to prevent any issues of it getting hung up. I assume they are going to make the adjustment internal. The original design was something him and Aron Snyder worked on together.
Ordered the SIG version. I've been waiting for marsupial to release theirs as I needed a slightly larger harness for my zulu 9 bino and my hunt this year is almost here. Guess the binos and harness will match now
Looks like it’s going to have the same issue with that band on the side as they had with the bungee that renders the side pockets almost useless. Disappointing.I’m not sure on the design. I’ll wait for some reviews from use.