Now blasting them?
A little dramatic, haha… I thought I made it as clear as I possibly could that I was not casting shade at all, I have a couple issues that are more than minor and was asking if others had as well… are you the type that like reading reviews unless the reviews include something not stellar about the product you have? That’s what it seems like… not bad mouthing them, certainly not blasting them, just had a couple issues I was wondering if they were common problems.
Most folks like honest feedback about products (at least I think they do… I do)
I will continue giving honest feedback of products I use, good and bad, so if that may offend you more in the future, you may want to put me on your ignore list in case I have a problem with something you like in the future… this is kinda crazy to me, on a hunting gear site on the gear section of said forum… it’s like talking anything but good about mathews on archery talk, haha