Marsupial harness quirks…

Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
Having a couple issues with my harness, curious if others have as well

First, it’s become pretty squeaky putting my binos back in the harness, which could be a problem archery hunting, relatively new issue… binos fit fine, they are NL pures (12x42) I switched to my 8x30slc to not deal with it right now

The other issue is rust on the back of the harness, assuming it’s the metal the magnets stick to, hoping it doesn’t get worse, but there are rust stains outlining the metal rectangles on the back of the harness where it closes… never had that happen with my OV harness that had a magnetic closure…

The marsupial was my favorite harness yet, but that’s changed lately… none of my issues are a warranty issue, because I assume the problems I’m having would just happen again, so I’m not going that route, curious if others have experienced the same?

Now I’m wishing I would have gone with the newest version of the outdoor vision harness, my only complaint with the first gen was it being pretty bulky, but it’s been flawless

Why has nobody cracked the bino harness code?😂 seems like someone would have designed the perfect harness by now… maybe the gen 2 OV is the one
My harness is squeaky when hiking. To fix that I decided I would just road hunt 😁

And the left bino tether always twists when pulling the binos out. I think I have the twisting part fixed. But now the left tether is a little shorter than the right.

I like the harness for sure but the little annoyances start to add up.

I have NL’s in it also.
Ya, mine is squeeking a little too. Not sure what to do about it. If it costs me a deer I will burn it in a YouTube video.
Good idea, burning products on YouTube shouldn’t only be for yeti coolers when they have a social media fight with nra 😉

I was mostly just wondering since I don’t hear much bad about their harness, but I also know people don’t like criticizing things they bought, we like to think we make the best choices… I have no brand loyalty and have made enough bad purchases that I’m desensitized to making poor buying choices, and have no problem letting that be known
Here is the rust that’s showing up, I believe it’s going to be a real issue sooner than later, I haven’t had them in any serious moisture, but here in 6 weeks or so, they will be damp more than dry, and I try to keep it as dry as possible, because I hate my glass fogging up


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Wow that’s really bad. Was planning to get a marsupial pouch. I guess not. Other magnetic pouches don’t do this? Mine right now is a bungee w/ hook.
Did you try calling them?
I didn’t, because I don’t know how that would change anything, I know a lot of people like the marsupial, and about everyone speaks highly of them, but they don’t seem to suit me well… the binos squeaking putting them in isn’t going to be remedied by calling, they all have the same interior lining, and they use steel backing for the magnets, so it would just happen again if they did replace it, so it’s seemingly pointless.

I try a lot of stuff, keep what works for me and eat the items that don’t, if it was a manufacturer defect, I would contact them, but it’s a design that doesn’t work for me… not a huge deal, I was just curious if others experienced the problems I’m having.

I will probably keep the rangefinder pocket, so far it’s still working well
Oil it ?
The squeak too?
Oil would just make a big mess I think, and would not help with the squeak, the squeak is from the liner of the harness and the exterior of the binos… once rust starts, it’s pretty much over, it just gets worse, unless you can access the metal and get all of the rust off… if I could access the metal, I could fix that problem, but it’s sewn in…
Never heard of either issue before. Loving my harness. Can you go up a size and it help? I still think I'd call them. Maybe they've since remedied whatever issues you're having and could help you have the perfect harness?
Never heard of either issue before. Loving my harness. Can you go up a size and it help? I still think I'd call them. Maybe they've since remedied whatever issues you're having and could help you have the perfect harness?
I could probably go up a size, but then it would be oversized and bulky… I assume the rust is a coast thing.

Like I said, not a big deal, I was just curious because I had not heard of those problems either, and most love them.

I am just going to go a different route and likely give this one away as long as it doesn’t get really bad… it’s a very high quality harness, and I seem to be the outlier, what’s great for one person may not be for the next, just the nature of gear in general… not casting shade on marsupial, I think they are great for the majority of people, and seemingly the highest praised harness on the market

I do wonder how the magnetic system differs between OV and marsupial, because my OV has seen a lot of rain and coast air with zero signs of rust, maybe they use magnets on both sides rather than steel/magnets
I didn’t, because I don’t know how that would change anything, I know a lot of people like the marsupial, and about everyone speaks highly of them, but they don’t seem to suit me well… the binos squeaking putting them in isn’t going to be remedied by calling, they all have the same interior lining, and they use steel backing for the magnets, so it would just happen again if they did replace it, so it’s seemingly pointless.

I try a lot of stuff, keep what works for me and eat the items that don’t, if it was a manufacturer defect, I would contact them, but it’s a design that doesn’t work for me… not a huge deal, I was just curious if others experienced the problems I’m having.

I will probably keep the rangefinder pocket, so far it’s still working well
Just seems weird you would come here to bad mouth them before making a phone call. A phone call is much easier than typing out a bunch of posts. They're a small company making their own products in house. If what you say is true I'm sure they would love to know about it so they can address the issue! They might even hook you up with a remedied version. If I was a business owner I'd much rather have a customer call me about an issue than randomly read about it online.
Thinking about it, if you listen to the podcast of him on ElkShape he talked about how sourcing magnets in the US is damn near impossible. If his magnets are rusting there's a chance his supplier changed materials and he doesn't know. I bet ya he'd appreciate a call.
Just seems weird you would come here to bad mouth them before making a phone call. A phone call is much easier than typing out a bunch of posts. They're a small company making their own products in house. If what you say is true I'm sure they would love to know about it so they can address the issue! They might even hook you up with a remedied version. If I was a business owner I'd much rather have a customer call me about an issue than randomly read about it online.
I told them my harness was too loud for bowhunting 5 years ago. They haven’t figured out a way to fix it. It’s still a good harness but the noise issue is a common complaint.
Just seems weird you would come here to bad mouth them before making a phone call. A phone call is much easier than typing out a bunch of posts. They're a small company making their own products in house. If what you say is true I'm sure they would love to know about it so they can address the issue! They might even hook you up with a remedied version. If I was a business owner I'd much rather have a customer call me about an issue than randomly read about it online.
please elaborate on me bad mouthing them, what part are you interpreting as bad mouthing? I know a bunch of people on this site use their harness and wondered if it was a known thing

The harness is about 6 months old, do you think they have a “remedied version”? If it wasn’t for the squeak, I would buy their non magnetic version and not ask for anything from them

Isn’t this pretty much a gear forum? Can we only show the good? Keep our mouth shut about the bad?

I have said nothing bad about marsupial, mine isn’t great for where I spend my time obviously, I don’t call companies when their products aren’t right for me, I move on. I was genuinely curious if these were common problems, that’s all, but please let me know where I bad mouthed them.

I think you are being a little sensitive 😉
Have you checked out the Ravus from AGC?
I was going to buy one but couldn’t find them in stock when I was shopping, it certainly has potential.

I think the gen 2 OV will be my next harness, I liked everything about the gen 1 besides no molle on the bottom for a razco and it was boxy, they seemed to refine it in the gen 2, and I think it will be a good harness… I hope

I have my 12’s in a kuiu harness now, it’s been awhile since I have worn one of them, this one i haven’t even used, got it on sale a couple years ago and it’s been sitting… I didn’t hate the first one I had, I just prefer to support American made when I can