Marlin 1895 SBL vs Trapper (45-70)


Oct 16, 2019
Looking to get one of these in 45-70 for a primary elk gun for heavy timber. I've only gotten my hands on the magpul trapper and loved how light it was and how it pointed. I'd be grabbing the black laminate model instead of the magpul though if I were to purchase one.

I've read conflicting reports on barrel length with the 45-70, some saying it doesnt matter, others saying it ruins the versatility of cartridge going as short as 16". Either way I would be reloading for this eventually. I train a ton and would like to hunt with it out to around 250 yards.

Problem is I cant find a SBL in stock anywhere so I cant really compare them side by side. Anyone own or ran both that can chime in?
8 yrs ago, I bought a gbl 16.5 inch and whatever the standard was in 20 inch.
Sold the 20 inch and bought another 16.5 gbl.
Much more handy. Better recoil pad also (Pachmeyr Decellerator from factory).
Works fine at 250 just learn the ballistics.
I shoot the factory loaded 325 gr Hornady ftx leverevolution.
I have a new Ruger Marlin trapper model. Didn’t get it zeroed in to take in the field this season, hopefully soon.

I put WWG trigger in it, made a big difference. Running a Trijicon Accupower 1-4. Handy rifle, love the feel of it, just can’t wait to get some rounds through it. Will be using a Dead Air Primal on it.
I don’t own either marlins, just shot my buddies trapper and SBL with my 1886 Winchester side by side several times and the SBL is still my favorite. The velocities with factory and hand loads really fall off with sub 18” barrels in my opinion, as much as 150 fps.
I have a marlin guide, same barrel length as the SBL, and a trapper. Both are new Ruger built. 300 grain Barnes is 1951 fps in The Guide and 1934 fps in the trapper. 325 ftx is 1988 fps in the guide and 1971 in the trapper. Very good accuracy out of both guns. Just for reference a 20 inch barreled Henry shoots the Barnes 2007 fps and the ftx at 1998 fps. Both Marlins are more accurate than the Henry.
I have had both the SBL and the Trapper. I liked being able to hold 6 rounds in the tube in the SBL vs 5 in the Trapper. On the flip side, I liked the skinner peep sight on the Trapper a lot more than the rail on the SBL.
I ended up keeping the SBL and put a Skinner Alaskan peep sight on it... One of my favorite guns.
I have both and did not find much difference between them when hand loading. The trapper does feel handier, more akin to a heavy 1894, but the SBL has a great balance and that little bit longer barrel does help when you forget to put the ear pro in. I also think the overall package of the SBL is sexier - the new Magpul trapper has a cool look too.
I couldn’t decide either so I bought both. Lol, but I’ll say this I actually use the trapper more than the sbl. I just like the shortness, less weight when hunting. It proves to be just as accurate as my sbl. The furthest shots have been at 100yrds. I really glad they made the trapper as a user gun so now I can retire my STP.
Thanks for the replies everyone, I ended up getting a Trapper since SBL prices have been thoroughly outrageous. Decked it out with a RPP brake and trigger. Hopefully this year I win the tag lottery and get to put it to use.