Maine Moose

I drew antlered Zone 4 Oct1 season. I was NOT expecting that. This is only my 3rd or 4th year applying. I’m wicked excited but it’s going to be tricky with my CO elk hunt this year.

I have the a similar situation, muzzleloader elk hunt in CO then ME moose oct 24. My wife is gonna kill me.

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Yeah I’ve been planning a CO hunt with a buddy. He drew a muzzleloader tag and I was going to hunt with him with my bow. He’s never been out there before.
I have the a similar situation, muzzleloader elk hunt in CO then ME moose oct 24. My wife is gonna kill me.

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Now is the time to make her happy!! Finish everything on the list!! Have a blast. I got a ME tag in 2020 and it was a very cool hunt. Keep us updated!
hunt deer in maine every year but never applied for moose we stick with otc hunting
don't do draw hunts /pp or limited entry tags if sates were to ever go otc for moose I'm all in
How many of you guys are putting in for what ever tag is available? I only apply for zone 8 and surrounding areas antlered. I may start applying for 1,2,3,5,7 to up my odds.

I know zone 8 well from deer hunting and always see some good moose. No love the 2 years I was a ME resident, but now back to non res waiting game.
I would put in for all zones, that would increase your odds. Now that they let you swap your zone it only makes since. When I drew in 2015 it was zone 19 and I had no interest in that zone. I joined both of the moose swap sites and found a guy that drew zone 4 and had a camp in zone 19 so it worked out both of us.
I will be hunting zone 5 this year as a sub permittee on the September hunt, can't wait. Nothing like being in the north Maine woods in late September.
I would put in for all zones, that would increase your odds. Now that they let you swap your zone it only makes since. When I drew in 2015 it was zone 19 and I had no interest in that zone. I joined both of the moose swap sites and found a guy that drew zone 4 and had a camp in zone 19 so it worked out both of us.
I will be hunting zone 5 this year as a sub permittee on the September hunt, can't wait. Nothing like being in the north Maine woods in late September.

Can you give me those sites? I would possibly be interested in swapping.

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