Made in the USA

Maybe a strange first post...but I thought I would mention the Wild Things Tactical line. I ran across this stuff due to my hobby of the surfing the net looking at cool gear I can't afford. The WT Tactical line is out of my price range (so I have zero experience with it), but some of you may want to check it out if you are looking for Made in the USA clothing.
Maybe a strange first post...but I thought I would mention the Wild Things Tactical line. I ran across this stuff due to my hobby of the surfing the net looking at cool gear I can't afford. The WT Tactical line is out of my price range (so I have zero experience with it), but some of you may want to check it out if you are looking for Made in the USA clothing.

I just gave that stuff a look...It looks good but paying $600-$800 for a jacket and pants setup is absurd in my opinion... Even if I had a money tree it wouldn't make sense....
I just gave that stuff a look...It looks good but paying $600-$800 for a jacket and pants setup is absurd in my opinion... Even if I had a money tree it wouldn't make sense....

Unfortunately, on labor intensive products like cut and sewn apparel, the exact same good made here typically is going to cost a LOT more than those made overseas. Cheap labor and economies of scale have just made it easier to compete overseas. This may be a good example of that and will test even the strongest convictions of how you feel about buying domestically for similar-quality products. I personally prefer domestic and am not going to skimp on quality, but I agree that this is getting prohibitive for most people. Hopefully the market will react and give us more affordable, but still high quality domestic products going forward.
I just gave that stuff a look...It looks good but paying $600-$800 for a jacket and pants setup is absurd in my opinion... Even if I had a money tree it wouldn't make sense....

Yeah, I hear you. It might take a couple of money trees...