Lost Taste!

My wife and I had it in April. My smell and taste are back. She still can’t smell as well as before. She has to hold stuff directly at her nose. He taste seems ok tho. Definitely a weird sensation. I remember sticking my nose deep into the black rifle coffee bag everyday
I got the Wuhan flu in late December.

I can still hardly smell anything. Luckily I never lost my taste which I'm happy about. I don't really miss not smelling
Lost my taste and smell completely about 5 days after first symptoms.... I could eat raw onions, garlic or jalapenos and would only get a mild heat sensation. Started coming back after 5 days and completely came back 10 days later.

For those that had it, take note of Conroy's story about the PE. Even if you had a mild case I would look at the guidance for working out and returning to high intensity activity. Surprised me to see how it is highly recommended you ease back into cardio very slowly.

Hope everyone has a speedy recovery!
I started pushing cardio about a month after Covid . I ended up hitting a wall pretty hard and just took it easy another month. I got my taste and smell back and lungs better after a short course of ivermectin. Recommended for long haulers too. These ar Drs who are on the front lines treating covid patients not some govt bureaucrat

Flccc has protocols
I had covid end of December, along with the rest of my family. We all lost smell and taste, my wife and daughters regained it after about a week or two. I have about 85% of my taste back, but smell is no better than 20% and I am getting more and more phantom "spoiled onion" smells that are bad.

Worst of my symptoms were a mild runny nose, and then after that went away my smell and taste went. Sweet taste came back first, which suits me fine since I am a sweet tooth at heart. The savory flavors were the last. I still can not taste things like truffle and certain spices/flavors.

My smell has been largely gone. I always had a keen sense of smell. That is shattered. I can't smell farts which my family recoils at (son's and dogs, not mine of course) and this past week I could not smell natural gas. Among many other smells that I have lost, I call myself the dali llama since my poo don't stink, unless I break air-water barrier and then I catch a minor smell of the nastiness. I do get a weird smell sometimes when there is a smell there but it is completely a weird smell that is unidentifiable and not at all what the thing should be. I can get whiffs of super strong odors such as orange peel, smoke from a fire (if close), and extreme chemicals (though those are tough to distinguish). I just hope this goes away and I start getting back to normal. Over 6 months in, I doubt that I will ever have normal smell again.
I had covid end of December, along with the rest of my family. We all lost smell and taste, my wife and daughters regained it after about a week or two. I have about 85% of my taste back, but smell is no better than 20% and I am getting more and more phantom "spoiled onion" smells that are bad.

Worst of my symptoms were a mild runny nose, and then after that went away my smell and taste went. Sweet taste came back first, which suits me fine since I am a sweet tooth at heart. The savory flavors were the last. I still can not taste things like truffle and certain spices/flavors.

My smell has been largely gone. I always had a keen sense of smell. That is shattered. I can't smell farts which my family recoils at (son's and dogs, not mine of course) and this past week I could not smell natural gas. Among many other smells that I have lost, I call myself the dali llama since my poo don't stink, unless I break air-water barrier and then I catch a minor smell of the nastiness. I do get a weird smell sometimes when there is a smell there but it is completely a weird smell that is unidentifiable and not at all what the thing should be. I can get whiffs of super strong odors such as orange peel, smoke from a fire (if close), and extreme chemicals (though those are tough to distinguish). I just hope this goes away and I start getting back to normal. Over 6 months in, I doubt that I will ever have normal smell again.
I'm in the exact same boat as you and the same timeline.
No clue on the variant question - especially since I don't know if my problem stems from the virus or hitting my head. But it's a bitch. Yeah not as bad as dying, losing a limb, sight or hearing. But at this point both are pretty old - especially the phantom smell and taste. I understand @nettereo16 that losing smell isn't the worst - in fact I'd take that at the moment (maybe for life) to avoid the phantom smell and taste.

I finally figured out a decent analogy to the phantom smell (or taste). Imagine that you work somewhere and they play music that is on a loop that repeats periodically. Every day. But instead of a loop of many songs, it's the same song. Every day. And you leave work and the same song plays on your car radio. And when you get home, and when you are trying to sleep. And when you wake up. But no one else can hear the song.

Anyway, being outside is generally much better. And I'm reaching out to my doctor to see if he will give me some Ivermectin. I'm open to anything at this point.
I started pushing cardio about a month after Covid . I ended up hitting a wall pretty hard and just took it easy another month. I got my taste and smell back and lungs better after a short course of ivermectin. Recommended for long haulers too. These ar Drs who are on the front lines treating covid patients not some govt bureaucrat

Flccc has protocols
You will be punished for posting that! No alternative viewpoints allowed sir! :cool:
I got it between Christmas and New Years and I couldn't smell or taste anything for 2-3 weeks. Other than that I felt fine and am back to normal. My parents who are in their 70's both got it and had real minor symptoms as well.
You will be punished for posting that! No alternative viewpoints allowed sir! :cool:
I know. I’ve always been proactive with my health. I’d rather get boots on the ground first hand info from experienced science based healthcare workers than some senile incompetent Govt bureaucrat like Fauci who couldn’t even take your temp. Let the sheep keep taking Tylenol and fluids. Ivermectin has almost zero negative effects in your body and is very safe. No brainer to try it especially with all of the positive cases fighting covid and helping and shortening recovery.

Covid will be one of the biggest scams once this is sorted out and investigated
My daughter could not smell or taste for 164 days, burnt garlic bread is what she smelled first. The Lord helped her not to be ancy about it or get frustrated...and finally let her smell and taste again on Memorial day. Been getting new tqste and smells each day.
I took both shots several months ago. About 4 weeks ago I developed what the doctor said was a sinus infection and some lung congestion. Doc never mentioned covid. He gave me a decadron injection, a z pack, and an antibiotics. 2 days after I started talking the meds I lost all taste and smell. So now, after 3 weeks, I can't smell anything and can only taste a few things, like sugar and lemon. Maybe it's the meds, or maybe I had covid, even though I was supposed to have 95% protection. Who knows?
I had about a week of lethargy/fatigue with 1 of the days producing a high fever. I lost complete smell and taste for 2-3 weeks. Taste is about 50% and sense of smell is much less than that (can only smell the strongest of odors). It's been over 3 months, I hope my senses come back fully..
Had a cold back in December. Headache and a day or two of fever. Broke it with a couple prednisone I had in the cabinet. No taste or smell for a week. Coffee tasted completely awful for about a week after that.

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I took both shots several months ago. About 4 weeks ago I developed what the doctor said was a sinus infection and some lung congestion. Doc never mentioned covid. He gave me a decadron injection, a z pack, and an antibiotics. 2 days after I started talking the meds I lost all taste and smell. So now, after 3 weeks, I can't smell anything and can only taste a few things, like sugar and lemon. Maybe it's the meds, or maybe I had covid, even though I was supposed to have 95% protection. Who knows?
Sorry to hear about that. Did the doctor test you for Covid? Smelling only sugar and lemon matches up with what I've been told and read (that our taste buds only let us "taste" salty, sweet, sour and something called "umami" - everything else we taste is "flavor" from our nose). I don't want to open up a vaccine debate, but the 95% figure is a relative risk figure - the absolute risk reduction is *much* lower, so the chance of you getting Covid could be viewed as higher than 1/20.

The good news is that so many have lost their sense of taste and smell and many recover - although the time it takes varies widely.
My youngest daughter caught it the weekend after Thanksgiving. No symptoms other than loss of smell. She is says that she isn't back to normal and mentioned the rotten onion smell.
Had it back in October and lost smell and taste, it has came back somewhat but still not 100%

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Both my smell and taste are slowly making a return. I can now slightly smell Vicks, deodorant, soap. I can taste in some capacity bananas, sweets, coffee and a beef jerky. Both are not quite accurate, but getting better.

I still do feel a bit winded from time to time with mild activities, which is strange.
OP - are you fully recovered with respect to taste and smell?

I'm still at the same - no smell other than the phantom smell, and no taste other than salt, sour, sweet and phantom smell. I've tried Ivermectin and Theophylline, as well as smell therapy. No dice.
OP - are you fully recovered with respect to taste and smell?

I'm still at the same - no smell other than the phantom smell, and no taste other than salt, sour, sweet and phantom smell. I've tried Ivermectin and Theophylline, as well as smell therapy. No dice.

You couldn't taste the sour apple in the Ivermectin?
I had COVID during Thanksgiving week, just before the OP did. I was very fortunate, only had mild symptoms, similar to a head cold, for a few days. Wife had it, her symptoms were a bit more. We were tested on Thanksgiving day, learned we were positive the day after.

Anyway, the only symptom/condition I still have is that my sense of taste of both salt and sweetness in foods is much more sensitive. I hardly ever added salt to foods and now never do, as I guess I'm detecting the added salt in processed foods.

Side note, wife and I were antibody tested in late April and then late last month, and we still have the antibodies.
Lost tast and smell, taste came back somewhat different. smell came back but weak and really twisted its been over a year..