Looking for raft partners mid June (NM & CO)

Jan 23, 2018
UPDATED 6/13/22

Hi All,


I'm throwing together a last minute trip through the NM and CO (6/9-6-20) and looking for anyone that wants a free float on some of my destinations.

Due to some of the rivers I want to float being on, or passing through, private land, anchoring constitutes trespass. While I could eddy-out, i'd rather have someone along to share in the action and rowing so we can enjoy the fishing to the fullest.

I admit, I'm still working out details as fast as I can. If I list a section of river that isn't floatable, or exceeds my capabilities described below, I fully appreciate any corrections.


I'm a novice rower and am picking floats with with Class I-II water, with few, if any, light Class III's. The boat is a Flycraft 14' Guide w/ 8.5' Sawyer Polecat shoal cuts. The boat has cup holders, rod holders at each seat, a cooler, and good vibes. My dog will be taking up one of the seats. She snoozes most floats away so long as she gets occasional scratches. I have 2 PFDs on board (one-size fits all), and of course, one for the dog.

As far as fishing goes, I'm an intermediate fly fisherman with a few years experience. I get out 4-5 times a month year round. This will be my first time on most of these rivers, and I don't expect my oarsmanship to match a polished guide experience.


My expectations of any passenger are pretty simple. I figure we'll split oar time, but as I'm wanting to get more oar experience, don't be surprised if you end up with more rod time.

All you need to bring is yourself, on-time, a vehicle to drop at the take-out to get us back to the put-in, your gear (rods, reels, tackle, etc), food, and a good attitude. For liability reasons, please bring a valid fishing license you can show.

Please be honest about your rowing experience. I'd prefer to be the lesser experienced rower between us.

I plan on launching early each day (between 6-8a) to depending on float times, and getting off the water around 4p each float. If things are moving quickly, I plan to stop where possible to relax and wade.

*I will designate trips with OPEN or TAKEN and update the date at the top of this post.
** DM me for my phone number to get an intro and discuss any slot(s) you want.
*** Being runoff has been touch/go this year, some rivers are coming down, some are coming up. If conditions affect day-off plans, I'm working on alternates.

6/9 - TAKEN - San Juan Quality Waters (Navajo, NM)
6/10 - TAKEN - Animas valley (Durango, CO)
6/11 - OPEN - Rio Grande (South Fork, CO)
6/12 - TAKEN - Rio Grande (South Fork, CO)
6/13 - TAKEN - Arkansas (near Salida, CO)
6/14 - OPEN - Roaring Fork (near Carbondale, CO) or Eagle River (near Avon, CO) or Upper Co (near Pumphouse) or Blue (below Dillon)
6/15 - OPEN - Roaring Fork (near Carbondale, CO) or Eagle River (near Avon, CO) or Upper Co (near Pumphouse) or Blue (below Dillon)
6/16 - OPEN - Roaring Fork (near Carbondale, CO) or Eagle River (near Avon, CO) or Upper Co (near Pumphouse) or Blue (below Dillon)
6/17 - OPEN - Yampa River (near Steamboat Springs, CO) or Big Laramie
6/18 - OPEN - Yampa River (near Steamboat Springs, CO) or Big Laramie
6/19 - TRAVEL
6/20 - TBD - San Juan Quality Waters (Navajo, NM)

6/3 9a PST - Added alternates for Roaring Fork depending on flows/floatability.
6/3 12p PST - 6/9 San Juan TAKEN

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Man that is one jam packed fishing schedule! You're going to be exhausted by day 3 or 4, I know I would be. On day 6 of fishing, your plan is to load up and drive from the Arkansas valley to the Roaring Fork valley? That's a long drive to expect to be on the water again early the next morning. Not that it couldn't be done or anything but I would loosen up your schedule, a lot. Wish I could join for a day but work is too busy right now. Have fun and be careful, some of those rivers have real whitewater and other hazards if you don't know them well and depending on what stretch you do. After this trip please update this post and let us know how it went! Good luck!
Hey @Nickofthewoods thanks for the insights and concerns. I'll be sure to put safety 3rd, I mean, 1st.

For anyone reading, just some touches on the valid points Nick raised. I tried to keep travel days to 3hrs +/-. Driving is a recharge for me.

For rivers which may have more bite, I've found alternates. E.g. Eagle River instead of Roaring Fork. I'll update the post as I finalize details.

I'll definitely keep everyone updated.
If you are worried about flows for the Roaring fork you might try to hit the blue river instead since its not too far from Salida anyways. Or float the Colorado between Kremmling and wolcott which puts you closer to Steamboat. Would love to join if I didn't already have prior commitments. If you end up needing a place to stay hit me up im in Grand Junction.
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If you are worried about flows for the Roaring fork you might try to hit the blue river instead since its not too far from Salida anyways. Or float the Colorado between Kremmling and wolcott which puts you closer to Steamboat. Would love to join if I didn't already have prior commitments. If you end up needing a place to stay hit me up im in Grand Junction.

Blue is an option but at current flows is more technical. It seems like its feast or famine in the central range.

Gonna make the most of it. Scouting for Upper Co near Pumphouse as an alternate.
Got on the san juan yesterday. It was a log jam. Met up with a guy who responded on the reddit thread I have for this.

Rowing was technically easy but high winds made it arduous. Got some fish in the boat.

Friend I was supposed to float the Animas with was sick. Made it to the Rio Grande at South Fork, CO last night. Flows are at 450-500. Sallmon fly hatch just started and fish are bombing the flies.

Stopped in some shops and got caught up. Got out for a long half day. Caught some nice browns between palisades and middle coller.

Hit my first real rapid. Really pockety with no ideal route. Was kinda nervous but made it through with some heavy backrowing and ferrying without a hitch.

Really surprised how well the raft stays stable at anchor. Get to set up in nice runs and pick seams apart. Great for solo days. Excited to hit a full day tomorrow and take advantage of the Salmon fly hatch.

Meeting up with a guy from one of the shops I stopped at in town on Sunday.

Planning to meet up with some people on the arkansas if flows come down but I doubt it. I think its at 40k right now. and float lower brown or stone bridge with one of them on a second raft for down stream security to test out some bigger water.

Not sure about central CO on w
Wed/Thu. Waiting to see what flows do and how I handle bigger water on Arkansas.
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Today was great fishing on the Rio. Browns were smashing purple chubbies and #10/12 prince nymphs.

Broke my 9'5wt while in the rod holder and left the spare rod in the truck. I will have to make a stop at an orvis dealer (I think ArkAnglers in BV). So I didnt get to fish much. Embraced the opportunity to practice rowing for the guy from the local shop who met up with me.

Once we dialed in a set up, he couldnt keep the line wet. I got better at current/speed management and orienting the boat for fighting/landing. It was good teamwork and he was very pleased at the end of the day.


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Got on the Arkansas from Stone Bridge to East Salida today at around 1900cfs. Hit Squaw Creek rapid. Was scared shitless looking down at it. Then once I pushed the first wave train and ran the hole, I had to have more.

Fishing was a bust in the heavy, fast flows. Even a white articulated cone head couldn't draw a fish out.

Hit all the waves in the Salida wave park and my passenger and I had a great time. It was also nice having an experienced former-guide along in another raft to watch/learn from.

Definitely less intimidated by the Blue or Upper CO. Staying near Eagle for the night. Going to stop at some shops tomorrow and get an idea of where to go.
Raced around Vail to Glenwood Springs getting a replacement phone was knocked in the water on the Ark. Then tried getting my bike fixed to no avail.

Floated the Eagle Wednesday with the help of an Uber shuttle from Rittenhouse to Duck Ponds. High winds had me fighting down stream and the river was stained up pretty dark. Gust of wind knocked me off balance while rigging my backup rod and I snapped the tip.

Ended up cutting the trip short and coming home Thursday. Just got in replacement parts from warranty.

I would have continued to just float but the bike I used for shuttling broke back in South Fork. That too is now fixed.

This trip had a lot of setbacks regarding the fishing aspect, but was a great learning experience for floating which was the main goal.

I'll be back up in CO in July at least once or twice. Or I may just make it another 2-3 week trip.

I lost 12 lbs in total on the trip and burned an average of 4500 calories between rowing/biking and any shed hunting or scouting I got done near camp.