looking for info on outfitters for a lion hunt

Check out these guys.
We hunted with them a few weeks ago for cow elk and 3 of us were successful.
They run a great operation and have plenty of access to Lion Country.
We cut a track while we were there but didn’t get to see any.
They are in New Mexico.

I just wrapped up a mountain lion hunt without having any chances and only 2 chases in a week of hunting. There’s no guarantees so make sure you’re happy losing the 1000s it takes to pursue your dream. There was no fresh snow for my hunt so conditions weren’t favorable but I was told when booking that no snow is better and preferred. I’d recommend researching a lion outfitter in Idaho.
Who did you hunt with wolfpup? Been down that road a few times myself. I don't know if I'll ever hunt cougars again but I'd only go on call when snow conditions are right.
Who did you hunt with wolfpup? Been down that road a few times myself. I don't know if I'll ever hunt cougars again but I'd only go on call when snow conditions are right.
I’ll pm you. I’d rather not put a name out publicly simply because I want to give the benefit of any doubt
I hunted with Pinnacle a few years ago. We trees 3 cats during my hunt. Great dogs, they’re amazing to watch work. Give Alan a call, he’s a good dude, him and his team work hard to get you a cat.

This is the Tom I ended up getting.

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