WTB Looking for a Rangefinder


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Feb 21, 2022
Looking for a rangefinder. I only do rifle for now. I would prefer to get one that compensates for the angle as I hunt in mountainous terrain. Please let me know what you got.
I work for BlackOvis here in Utah. I would suggest that you look at the Vortex Razor HD 4000.
This is the rangefinder that I use and it has been awesome! I can get you a good price on that and free shipping. Let me know if you have any questions or if you are interested.
Check out mine.

I bought a set of Revic's for Form's class and don't perceive a need for it anymore.

These were around $500 when they were new.

If you think it could work for you make an offer.

I have a SWAROVSKI RANGE FINDER LASER 1500 YARDS , MONO 8X30 . Can be used to magnify (duh) 8x 30 or as a very accurate range finder. $550 shipped
I have extensive feedback