Looking for a partner to hunt in SW CO (Archery) next year


Aug 6, 2012
I know it's a ways away, but, I've got a point to burn this year and was planning on applying for a GMU in the SW area, I don't want to post up any specifis, but if you're in the same boat shoot me a PM. Mule deer hunting is always easier with two people.
One to help you spot while the other stalks. Plus, you get someone to shoot the bull with while you're classing for hours.
^^this can be very effective. We use hand signals a lot for spot and stalk archery antelope hunting and mule deer. Obviously some things can not be communicated by hand and the perspective of the spotter is drastically different from what the stalker sees in front of him but it works well to help dial in on out of view animals. Once their in close though, it's hunter vs animal. It can really be hoot to watch both when neither one knows the other is so close or where they could possibly be even though they know they are very close. Last year I directed my buddy to a bedded mule deer buck and he got within about 15 yards and couldn't spot the deer. He thought I was messing with him and sending him well beyond the buck as he was sure he had already passed the spot the deer had bedded. When that buck exploded out of his bed you would have thought he was on fire. No casual trot and look back. It was afterburners until he was out of sight. This area has a few lions and I am sure he thought he was about to get some claws in his neck.
Oh ok. I didn't know you would be that close together. I hunt solo, so I don't know about tactics like this.
I'm moving to the springs from Indiana in early summer next year. I'd love to team up with someone to help me learn some of the ropes. I'm not sure I'll be ready for a hunt on my own though.
Hey rhendrix I have a couple of points and will be hunting SW Colorado archery mule this season coming. I'll was planning on a solo hunt but open to ideas. Will send you a pm.
Hey man, I may join you.. Text me what unit you had in mind.. I don't have any hunts planned for next year yet.. Was thinking CO OTC Elk again if I don't win a tag now that I got the lay of the land..