Looking for a high loft mid layer


Dec 3, 2022
I've gotten a few pieces from Farpointe Outdoor Gear and pretty darn impressed. Lots of super light insulation pieces in Alpha direct, Alpha wool, PowerWool, etc technical fabrics in different weights. The Octa Cruiser (Teijin Octa material) is my favorite of all. Incredibly soft inner face and a basketball jersey mesh material for outer face. Requires a wind shirt or other layer on top if real cold, but I Iove that flexibility because I run pretty hot. The breeze is nice when active, and find myself able to wear a merino tee, Octa mid, and ventile shell for a wide range of temps. With a breathable wind shirt (e.g. katabatic) and insulated vest I could cover even more. Sub in wool netting for base, even wider range.

The fit for me (6 foot, 175, 42 chest, longer arms) is spot on too. Won't be the fit for everyone, but honestly felt like the Octa was tailored for me when I first put on. I wear them casually all the time as well because no branding and the Octa or PowerWool (called the Yakona Cruiser) versions have a more durable outer face than straight Alpha.
Oct 5, 2014
Los Anchorage, AK
I've gotten a few pieces from Farpointe Outdoor Gear and pretty darn impressed. Lots of super light insulation pieces in Alpha direct, Alpha wool, PowerWool, etc technical fabrics in different weights. The Octa Cruiser (Teijin Octa material) is my favorite of all. Incredibly soft inner face and a basketball jersey mesh material for outer face. Requires a wind shirt or other layer on top if real cold, but I Iove that flexibility because I run pretty hot. The breeze is nice when active, and find myself able to wear a merino tee, Octa mid, and ventile shell for a wide range of temps. With a breathable wind shirt (e.g. katabatic) and insulated vest I could cover even more. Sub in wool netting for base, even wider range.

The fit for me (6 foot, 175, 42 chest, longer arms) is spot on too. Won't be the fit for everyone, but honestly felt like the Octa was tailored for me when I first put on. I wear them casually all the time as well because no branding and the Octa or PowerWool (called the Yakona Cruiser) versions have a more durable outer face than straight Alpha.

I’m hoping they come out with more offerings in the wool blends. Giving the Beringia wool air a try and like it so far. My straight synthetic active insulation layers would always start to smell quick. Also have a ventile wind shirt inbound from hilltrek.
