Looking for 5x8 tarp


Sep 5, 2012
I had a Sierra designs 5x8 tarp that I used for emergency shelter for years. It finally ripped. They don’t make them anymore. Any recommendations to something similar? It was sil nylon. I’d consider a dyneema one possibly
Oware makes a 5x8. I have one a little larger that I’ve used for years with no issues.
Not sure of your expectations or experiences using an emergency shelter, nor what contingency you might be planning for... but for your consideration... years ago I ditched my (never used) "emergency" tarp for a small (6oz) travel umbrella that rides on my day/wilderness pack belt. Instantly deployable any time. Rain, snow, wind, sun. Since making that choice I can't recall ever wishing for a tarp. Nope not once. Conversely I've worn out several umbrellas since then. My current umbrella is a brown and baby blue floral pattern by Eddie Bauer-- picked up at a yard sale. I'm not particular, but I wouldn't be without one.
Bear Paw Wilderness Designs has a 5x9 Silnylon in their bargain bin for $58.

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Look on Amazon for Tyvek. It comes with grommets. Very light, think I paid $25-$30.
I have the borah tarp and it goes wherever my pack goes. Great lightweight affordable option.
I have a Borah tarp and a Borah ground sheet for under my sleeping pad. Both are great quality and ultralight for backpack hunts. Made in Hamilton, Montana. You can’t go wrong with a Borah Tarp or shelter.
Have you tried a gear aid tenacious tape patch or is it ripped too bad? I have successfully patched a few with it. I have a Simply Light Designs tarp that I use on occasion.