Load Development Spreadsheet


Apr 3, 2014
Was wondering if any of you all have an excell sheet that you can imput your Muzzle Velocity etc and it figures the nodes on a graph.
I have looked around online but am not sure if I am searching for the right thing.
I found some info from 6.5 Guys but cant find anything but the you tube video.
Thought maybe someone here might have a spreadsheet they could send or share some how.
I used to have an app that you could put in your numbers and it would throw out a graph, but good grief it was a ton of work, and not really worth the effort.
You won't find that data, because it doesn't exist. The concept of nodes is a fallacy based on insignificant small sample size data sets, ballisticians have proven when you shoot a significant sample size there's a linear correlation between powder charge increase and velocity.