Shoot and score a Vegas round every week or two. Humbling.
I agree with this… Anybody can aim for center on a 3D target and make a pretty good shot.Shoot and score a Vegas round every week or two. Humbling.
Almost all of this is what I was going to put. A 1/16" change with your peep up or down or D loop in or out changes more than you would think.Some little tech type things that helped me a lot -
Form/Shooting things
- Nock fit
- Micro adjusting draw length/d loop length.
- Micro adjusting peep height
- Understanding sight axis
I still suck comparatively, but I'm much better off that I was before.
- Maintaining some tension in my back and having a shot process.
- Both eyes open
- For me, which is against Joel Turners advice, I focus heavy on my aim. In relaxed way where I'm not forcing the pin into it but I'm letting my mind bring to pin to where I'm looking. If that makes any sense.
My question(slight derailment, apologies), what benefit does shooting with both eyes open give?
Now my contribution -
I did an intro archery 2/3 years ago with my local BHA chapter and the archery coach at the range gave us a rule of thumb I abide by - the rule of 3 seconds.
Every time I enter the line and nock an arrow I give myself 3 seconds to breathe and aline myself with the target in view - when I come to full draw, I hold for a minimum of 3 seconds when anchored to prevent shooting the second I come to full draw(sometimes my target panic gets that bad), upon release - I hold my bow static for 3 seconds. I've found that this has greatly improved my aim. Also before each time at the range - I make a mental note of 1 thing I want to practice and focus my entire session on that 1 thing. Maybe it's not rushing, maybe it's my grip, maybe it's my follow-through, maybe it's trusting the float, etc.
Shoot all year long, and especially during season.I agree on practicing well @Billy Goat .
Two years ago I decided to score every arrow I shot using an easy point system I created. I try and shoot ten shot sessions, two arrows at a time. That allows me to really focus on each shot and think about them as I retrieve my arrows. The scoring has been huge to see how I improve or regress over time and with different things I’m tinkering with.
Yeah, this right here. I shoot Hoyts. Once I have them dialed and have a few hundred arrows through them, they are solid. Might take me a month or two of constant shooting and fine tuning.Here's one very few seem to grasp... get your bow dialed and don't change anything, for years.