Littering in the national forest


Dec 6, 2015
It’s despicable to me that people still let balloons go but it goes hand in hand with how far our society has fallen out of touch with the environment and how dumb people can be to thank yeah that thing goes to the moon.

we live in a disposable world buy it throw it away go buy some more of the same thing fill up two trash cans at my house for one family and no one ever questions where it goes. I honestly can’t believe we still allow plastic to be manufactured, a trip to Costco is pretty eye opening on our impact here


Jun 17, 2020
So Cal
Took a 4 mile hike (one way) up into the canyons around me following lower Sepse creek. Picked up a 12 pack of old beer cans, 2 childrens beach toys, that's about par for the course,

butttt... some really egregious trash violations i also found - a dirty diaper! (this is too gross for even me to pickup unless im part of a dedicated cleanup with heavy duty gloves, trash bags, and a picking stick). People that leave dirty diapers in the wilderness should have their contents smeared all over them then forbidden to shower for a couple says. Enjoy your kid's $hit. the rest of us dont.

The other horrible one that was left between the time I left and came back, a FULL mcdonalds value meal left on the side of the river. Cup, 3 sandwich boxes, fry box, 2 bbq sauce, 6 ketchup packets and the paper bag just left on the side of the river that will promptly be swept into the pacific.

We should advocate for harsher punishments for destroying nature. Like fine people $100 per oz of trash + 1 hr of community service picking up freeway trash. Per Oz.

I hate slobs and those who think nature is just a really really big trash can. Please go challenge a Grizzly to a bare knuckle fight in april.

Anyways, I picked up everything but the diaper. Even I cant take that one. What is it with people like that?


Nov 2, 2014
Steep and Deep
People from Utah are the worst here in WY. They leave their full trash bags in their campsite thinking someone is gonna pick them up.

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Jul 21, 2019
The worst offenders are those red-nosed, round-faced road hunters that leave their empties on forest roads or camp sites. They’ll haul in full beers but are too lazy to pack out the empties. Never understood that. If I had a dollar for every light beer can I’ve picked up on the forest I live near I could buy a new gun.