Liquid gold for cooking

I’m a tallow man myself. Went through 20 lb of fat this weekend. Should last me a while.

For those who think it’ll clog your arteries… okayyyy buddy whatever you say.

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I’d rather clog my arteries with beef fat than with microplastics from cheap cooking oil.

Beef tallow and beef bone marrow truly are the sweet nectar of the gods.
I did a test batch of 4 lbs in a crockpot last night on high, gave me about a quart jar and it looks beautiful. I could've got more but wanted to go to bed lol. Google says smoke point is 420.
Crockpot works great! That’s how I did some pork fat at my house. I don’t recommend grinding pork fat because it will just smear and mush together into a giant ball. The harder beef fat works great when it’s ground first then rendered.

Also, everyone’s results are looking great! 👍🏻