Yeah, I suppose that's true - I don't know where the line is drawn on what is ultimately considered commercial.
Don't know anything about Limitless specifically, but this is taken straight from USFS.
Relevant excerpt: "Commercial filming is defined as use of motion picture, videotaping, sound-recording, or any other type of moving image or audio recording equipment on National Forest System lands that involves the advertisement of a product or service, the creation of a product for sale, and/or the use of actors, models, sets, or props, but not including activities associated with broadcasting breaking news. For purposes of this definition, creation of a product for sale includes a film, videotape, television broadcast, or documentary of historic events, wildlife, natural events, features, subjects or participants in a sporting or recreation event, and so forth, when created for the purpose of generating income (FSH 2709.11 2008-2 (CH 40))."
So any film that has sponsors or advertisements requires a permit to film legally on NF land. No clue if Limitless does or not, but many channels do have ads obviously.