Before you can post you must have a post count of 10 and a member for over a week. (This may go away depending on how the new spam filter is working)
The Classifieds are for hunting related items.
You must be a sponsor to post on here if you make any product for resale or buy a product at wholesale to resell. Doesn't matter if you're a declared business entity or not. This forum is for re-selling personal gear you purchased for personal use.
No contests or giveaways threads in the Classifieds.
All WTS items must include a price, no auctions
You may only bump a thread once every 24 hours.
Follow through on your deals promptly, you should have the item ready to go. As we’re all hunters sometimes a hunt gets in the way of completing a deal, make sure you communicate with the other party if something comes up.
Follow all applicable laws(shipping to an FFL).
Lock your threads once the item is sold and leave feedback for the buyer to help sellers in the future.
Buyers and others:
To help clear up any issues quickly, we recommend you exchange phone numbers and addresses before sending payment.
Don't butt in on other's ads. Please leave the ad alone unless you have an item you want to sell or buy to the member who started the ad.
Don’t dispute a member’s price on their thread. If you want to share fair market value info or make an offer, send a polite PM.
Pay Pal gift or Pay Pal Friends and Family payment options are for people who are Friends and Family. Moderators won’t help with any issues on items bought or sold with F&F.
We recommend you ask for specific photos of the item, to confirm the condition of the item, if not posted on the thread
Once a transaction is complete please leave feedback to help sellers in the future. Go to the member's profile and click "feedback stats" There you can post about your classified transaction with that member