Life after stents?


Mar 24, 2016
Can eat good, fast, and even exercise but if I have as much as a handful of nuts, a cookie, handful of potato chips, etc. will not lose any weight. It is frustrating that 95% effort is mitigated by 5% of a snack.

Man I hear this. I go through the exact same thing. It is disheartening.
Dec 13, 2023
Just so you know, even though most seem to do ok with them, stints can have a down side. At any rate people having these kinds of issues don’t have much choice. Doctors generally do stints before considering surgery.
This is accurate. My wife is in the medical field. I think she said something like 65% of your health issues are genetically related. The rest is what you were exposed to or did to yourself.
My dad had 5 bypassed about 3 years ago. He was 74 when done. He was plugged up but doc says it was due to just aging--not genetics or lifestyle. Took awhile to heal up but feels great now.
Doc said, "Think about engine. A few parts wear out and you put new parts in! Good to go!" You leave better than you came so have confidence. I get being scared a bit and worried...its your heart! But after some grace time healing up you should be confident that you are now better than you were!!!
Doctors can work miracles these days. I'm pretty certain, if medical advances continue, the next fifty years would blow our minds today!
BUT....any "invasive" procedure will not return you to "normal"!
Improve? Yes!
Back to natural, normal? CLOSE, but not quite!