Lever Action anyone?

How do you like it? Thinking about getting the wife one in that same caliber. How’s the recoil?
Before I did anything to it, I carried it on some deer hunts in NZ with iron sights. It handles super comfortably, very balanced, and I found the open sights quite usable.
I added a scope to get to longer range, and I've had some success...but it is not the most accurate rifle I own. It's not a free-floated barrel which probably has a lot to do with it.
Now that it's chopped and suppressed, the volume and recoil is definitely better and very manageable. I forgot my ear pro the other day and actually wasn't bothered at all. It's a little less balanced and forward heavy, but also more accurate, likely to do with less recoil. Lever actions are so fun to shoot and cycle, I recommend.
Just picked this up in 270 wsm. Trigger is a little heavy, but crisp when it does break. Bought used off GB for a good deal and not a single scratch on it.

Hoping it groups well and I can bring it out this Fall. Coolness factor off the charts. Thinking some 130 partitions at ~3300 fps will be fun.

Any recommendations for loads in this rifle?


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