Leupold RX-5000 TBR


Jun 22, 2019
In need of a new rangefinder sold my BR2. Likely will upgrade to the BR4 but curious to see whatev eryone think of the new leupold rangefinder. I know Leupold is not the first company to offer these map pinning options built into the range finder. This one seems appealing because it offers the on x mapping option. I wish leupold would offer a ballistics mode also.
I tried everything. I carried the range finder on my hip and re calibrated it in the field before ranging and marking a bear which ended up being almost a mile away from the actual location of this bear. I’m not sure if I got a defected rangefinder. I do believe this technology could be very beneficial if it worked. Was pretty frustrated with leupold on this one. Curious to see if others are having spot on accuracy with the on x mapping?