Leupold Mark 4 6-24X52 mini drop eval

This is good to see. Did any of the drops land right on the turret, from what you could tell?
I don't understand why it wouldn't be useable unless their dimension specs are incorrect? It's a 0.1 mil thick reticle like many thicker hunting centric FFP designs. Same as Maven SHR-MIL and thicker than the mil-quad on a 3-9 SS that is only 0.07 MIL. I'd not want a reticle to be any thicker.

For clarity, talking about the 2.5-10 FFP TMR reticle.
I'm not sure that is correct. For the non-illum data sheet, the gap in the very center of the TMR does measure .1 mil, but the actual inner posts of the reticle look to be .05 mil thick.
Haven’t shot this gun much the last few months as it’s not my primary hunting rifle. Got it out for a hunter match today. On one stage, I pulled an absolute bone-head move and let go of my gun while it was on top of a barricade to grab my tripod. When i turned to grab the tripod, the gun fell off the top rung. I assume it hit butt first and then went sideways on to the scope. Finished the match and didn’t notice anything odd. Checked it on paper right after the match ended and it was still zeroed exactly where i expected. Didn’t take a picture of the paper because it was a live range but sure made me feel good. I know all the drama is going on on some other posts but this scope has been good to me.

Gun fell from top left rung with the pink dot. Maybe 4-5 feet?
