Let’s talk Broadheads!

I've shot the SB 125 standards for a few years now and I've been super impressed. I've got one head that has been through 4 deer and after a little time on the sharpener still looks brand new. Super easy to sharpen and they tune super easy for me.

How have the blood trails been? The other head I’m trying this year is the old German kinetic silver flame XXL. Like a 2” cut. That’s if i can get them to tune and fly well at least.

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How have the blood trails been? The other head I’m trying this year is the old German kinetic silver flame XXL. Like a 2” cut. That’s if i can get them to tune and fly well at least.

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I would say most of them have been pretty good. Blood is usually pretty sparse for the first 10 or so yards. Most of the time the deer don’t really react and run too wild, and I've never had one go more than 100 yards (knock on wood). Mainly comes down to shot placement like any other head.
I've tried all types. I just can't justify the ultra expensive broadheads. Where I hunt in Texas, every single broadhead I've shot winds up trashed after it goes through the deer. There's just too many rocks in the ground.

So, I'm going back to Swhackers. They have left great blood trails for me and I can replace the blades if the ferrule doesn't get trashed. When I get to go chase elk in the future, I will use something else.
I've tried a bunch of different Rage heads, standard three blade Muzzy, QAD, the list goes on. Shooting the Evolution Jekyll (fixed blade) and Evolution Hyde (hybrid expandable) this year. In my testing they've both flown the same as field tips out to 80. You can replace blades in each and exchange blades using the same ferrule if you decide one works better than the other.
Grim Reaper Micro Hades Pro 3-blade and G5 Deadmeat V2s. I might breakout some whitetail specials for does.

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G5 striker v2 125gr. I have no idea if they're popular or "good", but they seem to be working for me. I generally have to do a slight sight adjustment but they tune the same as field points for me .
The QAD Exodus are also very consistent pack to pack, they balance extremely well and the blade thickness with the short ferrule give it serious durability.
I’ve had great luck on elk with Kudupoints. Sevr 1.75s if mechs are your thing. They sure do fly nice, handy to have one or two in the quiver for a long follow up, or for speed goats.

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Second for the Cutthroat broadheads. Surprised by the field tip accuracy I was able to get, and the penetration is far better than anything else I’ve ever shot. Sharpening took me a bit, but it was also my first experience sharpening heads.
G5 Striker Magnums (125gr.) for this season. Large diameter fixed blades, shoot perfectly.
Qad Exodus or Slick Trick Magnums are tried and true for me. But I have killed deer with several different types of heads through the years.
For deer and hogs the Crimson Talon Croc is tough and cheap. 1.5 inch wide single bevel plus the 150 and 200 have steel ferrules.
Slick Tricks were my tried and true for years but i've converted over to SEVRs and used exclusively for the past 4 seasons with phenominal results. I'd have a hard time shooting anything but at this point... Utah based and used on mostly elk and a couple mule deer.