I was actually the photographer for my buddy because I already tagged out on a nice buck. The buck in the first photo blew up out of his bed when a chipmunk scared him. I had missed that buck earlier in the hunt. He was a beautiful 25" main frame with two 5" cheaters on one side and one on the other. My buddy Brent was 15 yards from the buck for over an hour. We were both sick over that buck....
This was towards the end of the hunt when Brent stalked this 28" 3x2. Brent was sitting on a rock when the buck finally stood up. The buck spotted him and blew out... Good times. I live for it... Can't wait to get back. Ed F
Got this in Wyoming last year. not a monster but my best so far. saw a better buck in the Colorado high country I'm hoping made it through winter. Velvet mulies are the best.
Awesome! Can't wait...Well, actually I have to unless I pull something off in CA! Finally chasing Muley's in hard horn come December! Woot...I could chase some fuzzy Hybrids in Amador County though...
A really nice velvet buck made his way to the grill of my truck this morning on the way to work......thought I'd post my pics but they were pretty graphic.