Let’s see/hear what’s in your quiver this year

100gr Muzzy Trocar
100gr magnus stinger buzzcut
100gr Magnus Black Hornet
100gr Sevr 1.5

All fly great!
All are hand sharpened and then stropped on leather and metal buffing compound.
Stupid, hair-popping sharp. Can’t get my knives as sharp as my broadheads. I use sandpaper for broadheads and stones for knives.
Just curious… why run multiple different broadheads in the quiver at one time?
Lesseee, exposed blade single bevel for that close range killer shot on that bull you called in to 15 yds and mechanicals that fly great way out to super long range to try to finish off that bull you muffed the shot on cause you got the twitches and made a bad shot with those killer exposed blade single bevels that everyone else gets one shot pass through kills with? Sumthin like that??? 🤣
Lesseee, exposed blade single bevel for that close range killer shot on that bull you called in to 15 yds and mechanicals that fly great way out to super long range to try to finish off that bull you muffed the shot on cause you got the twitches and made a bad shot with those killer exposed blade single bevels that everyone else gets one shot pass through kills with? Sumthin like that??? 🤣
Good stuff right there! Lol
I usually have my first arrow nocked way before I know what the shot distance is going to be.
Recurve: Ace standards
Compound: Viper Tricks and possibly Cutthroat or Stinger. I haven't shot a compound long enough to get attached to one head except the Viper Trick just keeps killing elk and deer.

Sharpening stuff is simply a nervous habit for me like someone who bites their finger nails so yes, I'm constantly touching up broadheads, knives, scissors, fish hooks. I'm not a master sharpener but I keep getting better.
Same as the last 20 years. Muzzy 4-blade. They will be in my quiver until they stop making them and then, I will find as many as i can and I will buy them all...lol

Before that I used Wasp Hammer SST's (Similar but inferior 3 blade design).
My 2022 arrow build. Sirius Apollo 250 spine, 150 grain Sirius half out, 200 grain SB Maasai broadheads, Woody's Starburst 2 lighted nocks, TAC 2.25 Driver vanes four fletch, Whitewater Archery wraps. Total weight 709 grains and 22.9% FOC. 2022 Hunting arrows.jpg
I use the RIP TKO 300 spine v1 arrows. They penetrate so well and are tough arrows. I use the micro hades pro 3 blade 100 grain broadheads because they hit identical to my field points. I carry one arrow in my quiver that has a sevr 1.5 mechanical. I keep this arrow if I need to take a long second shot.
Judo tips-I see the need for sure. Do these fly similar to field points and or brodheads?
NAP hellrazors

OP-do all those variants have same POI?
They do. To an extent. At range the bigger the head the more the drop. The sevr have very little drag but the German kinetic will start slowing down by 60, giving gravity more time to work it’s magic.
Arrows........ And either hellrazors or slick tricks. I have a ton of them, so whatever seems to fly the best "This year".
125 QAD Exodus, 300 spine GT Airstrikes, 74g steel inserts, 3 bohning heat vanes on 3* helical with green glory knocks.

About 500 total weight and 14% FOC
125gr QAD Exodus x3, 125gr judo x1
Black Eagle Carnivore 350 cut down to 27"
100gr insert

Tuned out to 50 yds. Some 455 grains, 21% FOC.