Walking Birds
I like my Slik 634 aluminum tripod, I've been bouncing back and forth between the SH-707E it came with and a cheap ball head I got off Amazon for $20, at the moment I like the ball head better, but the pan head is always in the truck if I change my mind. I like aluminum over carbon fiber for the added stabiity with my 15s, with 10s you can get away with lighter weight, and something like a $60 Vanguard will get the job done. At the moment I've got 2 bino setups, some 10x50s pairs with a FOR bino adapter and 15x56s on the vortex Unidaptor, but screwed on direct, that "post bucket" as I call it is useless for stability...
Manfroto makes a solid aluminum set of legs in the 190s (I think they're called 190?) that I'd like to get for a standing rig to keep near the truck or as a loaner for friends that come out with me from back east and don't have their own rigs
Edit: I meant the 290's like these
Manfroto makes a solid aluminum set of legs in the 190s (I think they're called 190?) that I'd like to get for a standing rig to keep near the truck or as a loaner for friends that come out with me from back east and don't have their own rigs
Edit: I meant the 290's like these