Lessons from a wildfire

I think that the Oregon fire trucks racing to help in LA that are detained in Sacramento waiting for emissions certificates kinda sums up what's wrong in CA.

Edit: the fire trucks weren't held for emissions certificates, they were checked for maintenance issues to prevent breakdowns while fighting the fires. Thanks .204smokechaser for info.
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I think that the Oregon fire trucks racing to help in LA that are detained in Sacramento waiting for emissions certificates kinda sums up what's wrong in CA.
Engines being turned away due to emissions is somewhat fake news. Can’t believe everything you read.

Whenever a resource gets assigned to a large incident, especially cal fire, all apparatus overhead and crew vehicles will remain on site at ground support until they are up to standard, from there the home unit can decide whether or not to fix it there or release you back to station. Its really not that hard to pass an inspection, but something required always on check ins and demobe of major incidents.
My brother inlaw’s house survived the fire that torched the McKenzie river canyon in Oregon. Several neighbors house’s burnt to the ground. He had a “green space” 75 yards deep surrounding his home and no wood decks. I think this and a little luck saved his home.
On another note, every gun safe, in a house the burned, failed.
Janisse Quinones, the LA $750,000/yr water chief said her work is guided by an "equity" lens.
(She is one part of the total fail taking water offline)
Quinones said in a July interview with KBLA radio that the importance of putting an "equity lens" to the DWP was "the number one thing that attracted me to this role."

"It's important to me that everything we do, it's with an equity lens and social justice and making sure that right the wrongs that we've done in the past from an infrastructure perspective, and we involve the community in that process," she said.
Janisse Quinones, the LA $750,000/yr water chief said her work is guided by an "equity" lens.
(She is one part of the total fail taking water offline)
Quinones said in a July interview with KBLA radio that the importance of putting an "equity lens" to the DWP was "the number one thing that attracted me to this role."

"It's important to me that everything we do, it's with an equity lens and social justice and making sure that right the wrongs that we've done in the past from an infrastructure perspective, and we involve the community in that process," she said.
Well it looks like the community is very involved in this one.
Janisse Quinones, the LA $750,000/yr "It's important to me that everything we do, it's with an equity lens and social justice and making sure that right the wrongs that we've done in the past from an infrastructure perspective, and we involve the community in that process," she said.
She a civil engineer, probably registered, and an embarrassment to the profession. And she throws out all reason and logic for her job. Why not hire AI or an engineer who can work remotely from India and pay them $750 per year instead of $750,000?
This is Hawaii all over again. Fire insurance was cancelled months ago by the insurance companies, nobody will have money to rebuild, the big companies such as Blackrock and Vanguard will be buying up all the land, making rental units for everybody, because nobody will be able to afford to rebuild because they have gone bankrupt and won’t be able to get a mortgage. Leading them only able to rent. Thus bringing in Blackrock to build multi level apartments to where everybody has to rent and will never be able to own again.

My question is is the stuff they’re dropping from the airplanes flammable. I’ll bet you they started it knowing that the winds after desert blowing west would be a good time to create a fire because they want people to stop and because of 100 mile an hour Santa Anna winds. I’m a betting man this is all planned by the big powers to be. You will own nothing and be happy.
This is Hawaii all over again. Fire insurance was cancelled months ago by the insurance companies, nobody will have money to rebuild, the big companies such as Blackrock and Vanguard will be buying up all the land, making rental units for everybody, because nobody will be able to afford to rebuild because they have gone bankrupt and won’t be able to get a mortgage. Leading them only able to rent. Thus bringing in Blackrock to build multi level apartments to where everybody has to rent and will never be able to own again.

My question is is the stuff they’re dropping from the airplanes flammable. I’ll bet you they started it knowing that the winds after desert blowing west would be a good time to create a fire because they want people to stop and because of 100 mile an hour Santa Anna winds. I’m a betting man this is all planned by the big powers to be. You will own nothing and be happy.
After the last 5 years, nothing would suprise me.
Engines being turned away due to emissions is somewhat fake news. Can’t believe everything you read.
LOL he didn’t say anyone was being turned away, he said they were being detained for emission certificates, which is incorrect. This is what happened “Before arriving in Southern California, the teams completed a routine safety check with CAL Fire in Sacramento.” Why does fire equipment coming from Oregon for a “emergency” need a routine safety check? This seems ridiculous in an emergency situation? https://apps.oregon.gov/oregon-newsroom/OR/OSFM/Posts/Post/osfm-ca-friday-update
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Here is another good watch from a Yorba Linda Water District Director Brett Barbre. Very level headed logical interview. I was born and raised in Yorba Linda, birthplace of Nixon.

Excellent commentary.
This is Hawaii all over again. Fire insurance was cancelled months ago by the insurance companies, nobody will have money to rebuild, the big companies such as Blackrock and Vanguard will be buying up all the land, making rental units for everybody, because nobody will be able to afford to rebuild because they have gone bankrupt and won’t be able to get a mortgage. Leading them only able to rent. Thus bringing in Blackrock to build multi level apartments to where everybody has to rent and will never be able to own again.

My question is is the stuff they’re dropping from the airplanes flammable. I’ll bet you they started it knowing that the winds after desert blowing west would be a good time to create a fire because they want people to stop and because of 100 mile an hour Santa Anna winds. I’m a betting man this is all planned by the big powers to be. You will own nothing and be happy.
With all due respect, nah, man. The retardant they're most likely dropping is phos-check which is certainly not flammable. I cant speak to the muni fire departments on these fires but calfire is there and they are pretty damn good at putting out fires.

In terms of insurance, money, rebuild and all that, money wont be the issue. Very few areas with higher real estate value anywhere on earth. And remember, most of the value down there is in the land, not the building. Even at something ridiculous like $1k/ sq.ft the folks who will rebuild in Malibu wont blink that kind of money.

The issue is going to be with the permits. Especially coastal comission. Good luck with all that.

Enough issues in Cali with fire (and a heck of a lot more) a lot of which drills right into the heart of residents ability to hunt and fish, and the quality of them. Again, with all due respect, enough lunacy already happens in the state that conspiracy theorizing isn't needed.
My question is is the stuff they’re dropping from the airplanes flammable. I’ll bet you they started it knowing that the winds after desert blowing west would be a good time to create a fire because they want people to stop and because of 100 mile an hour Santa Anna winds. I’m a betting man this is all planned by the big powers to be. You will own nothing and be happy.
I believe it’s BLINDING INCOMPETENCE. People are exploiting it.
In terms of insurance, money, rebuild and all that, money wont be the issue. Very few areas with higher real estate value anywhere on earth. And remember, most of the value down there is in the land, not the building. Even at something ridiculous like $1k/ sq.ft the folks who will rebuild in Malibu wont blink that kind of money.

The issue is going to be with the permits. Especially coastal comission. Good luck with all that.
I believe it will be mostly condos and apartments rebuilt. Get a giggle about the Coastal Commission here!! Listen to the part where he says “when the 28 year old Bich at the Coastal Commission tells them to F !” It’s GOLD
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I spend around two months a year in Malibu/LA every year for work (20 plus years)

I’ll leave out my thoughts on the total failures of California. What a shame.

A lot of these oceanside PCH homes lost from Carbon Beach down to Sunset are homes passed on from families. The folks that own them aren’t all rich to the point that will be able to rebuild.

Add in the new regulations to build on the coast I just don’t see how this doesn’t get all gobbled up by hedges.

Also what happens to tax rates ? Will you be taxed on a new build assessment or will they honor the grandfathered rates ?

Multiple friends of mine lost their homes. Many more evacuated and wondering if they are next. Unbelievably sad..
Engines being turned away due to emissions is somewhat fake news. Can’t believe everything you read.

Whenever a resource gets assigned to a large incident, especially cal fire, all apparatus overhead and crew vehicles will remain on site at ground support until they are up to standard, from there the home unit can decide whether or not to fix it there or release you back to station. Its really not that hard to pass an inspection, but something required always on check ins and demobe of major incidents.
Not sure what you're referring to but from the several reports I saw the engines were being held in Sac waiting on CA emissions certificates. Are we talking about the same thing?
Not sure what you're referring to but from the several reports I saw the engines were being held in Sac waiting on CA emissions certificates. Are we talking about the same thing?
The emissions check is bogus. It’s routine safety check in Sacramento, after driving down from Oregon for an emergency. Cal Fire in Sacramento needs to make sure the Oregon fire engines and equipment are “mechanical safe and able to respond”. LOL what would California do without Cal Fire in Sacramento. https://apps.oregon.gov/oregon-newsroom/OR/OSFM/Posts/Post/osfm-ca-friday-update
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These fires are about the same that over-ran Ft McMurray just shy of 10 years ago. The fires started in black spruce/jackpine forests in May, driven by high winds. When the multiple fires reached the housing developments, they didn't even slow down. Multilevel homes went from not burning to smoking rubble in 5 minutes. One of the most effective methods of building fire lines and slowing the advance was to use dozers and excavators to flatten houses in front of the fire line.

Studies have been done regarding interior furnishings between heirloom and modern furniture. Heirloom furniture made of wood/leather/horsehair stuffing burned at a much slower rate than modern furniture that is comprise of petroleum based materials, highly flammable. Housing developments that have such a minimal set-back provide much more fuel for fire to consume and with high winds, not a lot can be done. Sad situation, but was inevitable that it was going to happen one way or another.
Yep. Out of state fire apparatus is exempt from any special emissions, I’ve never been checked for it. Now if you got a check engine light and it comes back to emissions, you’ll get placed out of service until the cal fire mechanics fix it.

I Wanted to write that additional info as there’s a lot of uproar on why apparatus is stopped from immediately going to incidents and I know some people on here didn’t know that maintenance is a big deal on fires. The contractors try to get every single dollar out of the federal and state government they can, not so much the counties and cities themselves. The contract game is big big money.

I hope these incidents in a slow news time in the country starts serving as a wake up call that public information officers have a lot more educating to do and there needs to be a crack down on fact checking with what any news source spews… for example, the media saying water was being carried with purses to douse flames as most people didn’t know engines carry collapsible pales. I’m glad Fox News out of anyone is bringing some highly educated fire folks on to talk.