Leica Customer Service... improved any?

wind gypsy

Dec 30, 2014
I Just sent my geovid HD-Bs in for a cold weather issue. They have had them for the last month and said they had to go back to the factory for the repair. Ill post about my experience when I get them back.

I did this with HD b’s twice, once with 2000s and they sent me new 2200s, the 2200s had the same issue and they replaced them with 3000s. I sold the 3000s new because I had lost faith in cold weather reliability.

Customer service was always responsive but it did take multiple months to have a replacement pair. I think the duration is because they have continuously updated these models and don’t typically have inventory in stock.


Sep 25, 2015
In the last couple years, my understanding is Leica has totally revamped their CS and basically doubled their staff. I only needed them once and was absolutely taken care of. In addition, in the last year, the folks I have talked to that have had to use their CS have been ultimately happy. Obviously, nothing is 100%, but in talking to folks I know personally at Leica, this is and continues to be a very high priority for them.