It's hard to say whether his brow tines hit that five inch requirement. The one bull in this cpw document looks pretty borderline, but they say he's legal...
My initial instinct is yes. But I would have to see a different angle. We've killed a couple 3 pointers over the years. The brow tines are generally 5 inches if they have one.
have to see a different angle. Guided in MT where it was 4" tine on bottom half of antler. I would be telling my client to shoot if they wanted on that bull. But that extra inch? hard to say not live in person or a better picture.
Legal? Maybe, but also depends on the unit. Maybe isn't good enough in my book. I tend to underestimate bulls in the field. Even bulls on the wall in stores.......from 40-50 yards away I look at some and think "he's OK" and then get right under him and he's 370". I've passed on a lot of bulls that I wish I hadn't. But this 3-point is an easy pass IMO.
I've always stuck to my 4pt rule as I don't want to be making that call on the fly. If I can't instantly make the call of shoot or not to shoot, I'm passing. That photo there, I'm passing.
yep he's legal. Now if you see this monster with antler still attached it would give pause. I can't imagine Id ever be so lacking in freezer material to actually shoot either one though. This picture is a collection of Colorados finest deer elk and moose.
I'm not positive so I'd pass. But remember, that restriction is only for about 1/3 of the state, not all of it. There are alot of units where any bull is legal so check the regs for your unit.
My first look was a No, and that's on my computer under no excitement. In the field I'd personally pass. I think if you have to look twice or try and gauge off nose length, etc. then the ethical thing to do is pass.