Learning to bow hunt with compound vs. traditional archery


Aug 26, 2023
I don't think I have ever taken a shot with my compound in a hunting situation that wasn't a shot I could have taken with my recurve or longbow, and that is always in my mind when I have harvested an animal with my compound bow. Just a thought of, dang it, wish I was carrying my recurve. Maybe when I was younger before I started hunting with trad bows, but my goals were different then. Like the guys who take a rifle along on a bow hunt where that option is available, there is a little nugget in the back of the mind saying, well if things aren't going well I can extend my range with this, at least that is why I usually pack my compound bow in the truck for a hunt and make an effort to stay proficient with it. Having said that, there is a lot more that goes into a successful hunt for me than harvesting something and I have made the choice to start leaving the wheel bow at home and have been much happier overall regardless of the outcome.


Apr 19, 2023
All my bow hunting has been in Montana, I moved to Southeast Alaska about two years ago. I’ve ambush hunted white tails and done archery elk, wasn’t able to put much time into either due to school and time of life. I’ve got more time now and have some archery specific opportunities that I’d like to try, I mostly expect to hunt spot and stalk. I hope to be able to hunt back in Montana again someday as well.
I have a friend who has put a life time into spot and stalking and treestand hunting with a trad bow. He has had a lot of success with both type of hunts. He did tell me that he had some really nice bucks get away because he was using a trad bow during spot and stalk that he could have had a chance to harvest with a compound. He had loved the trad bow and seemed like he was almost fully after the meat and antlers were cherry on top.

I have taken several deer with my compound and hope to some day use my trad bow to harvest a deer. However, I found out that my stalking game needs to improve more before I will feel confident with a trad bow to take an animal as it is hard enough to get to 40-50 yards where I hunt but the 20-25 range with a trad I think I could've only made it work once or maybe twice. The ability to harvest an animal and be successful early in my hunting life I believe will help me in reducing frustration with unsuccessful hunts in the future with trad. I also have developed a greater level of patience and understanding of hunting while having success.

Also, as other guys have stated, it will take much longer and more dedication to be proficient with trad. Part of my problem right now is time constraints with life to where I can't spend the required time on trad right now.

Those are my two cents but I would tell you that you need to do what is best for yourself.


Jun 3, 2017
I don't think I have ever disagreed with @Btaylor on anything.....this^ I do.
Possibly because we have a different perspective.

I do most of my hunting out west where open spaces and longer shots are the norm. A whitetail guy in the midwest can pretty much set up for Trad shots....a trad bow doesn't hurt you much in those whitetail situations.

I'm gearing up for the late Arizona deer season. I have had big mule deer bedded in the open desert and had my heart broken many times on blown stalks. Nothing like spending 3 hours and having a whiff of wind shaft you.

Sadly, its usually inside compound range where they get me. Now I love sneaking on Hogs and Javelina with a stick bow....but I think I'm taking my compound along this time on this desert hunt.

I'm becoming more of an equal opportunity hunter vs. Trad only.
I think we still agree or at least from my perception we do. Thats why I said the hunt you want is primary consideration. My year this year is a good example. Hunting with my longbow I have had 8-9 encounters with mature bucks between 12-35 yards that resulted in no shot. Almost all of those situations were because I did not pick the right tree for the spot and a few were pre-sets chosen pre-season. I ended up in the wrong tree because for a few of those I chose the easy tree rather than the right tree. I know better but still have to learn things the hard way sometimes. The buck I killed in kansas was with a compound because we were going to be hunting from redneck blinds and my buddy that has the place didnt think there was room for the longbow and he felt I needed to be prepared for shots out to 40. Shot ended up being 28. The primary point I was trying to make is we have to decide is the kill more important than the hunt. If getting close is what makes the hunt, a trad bow is not a limitation. If always or nearly always making the kill is more important, other weapons will make more sense.