Anyone do this anymore? I know there are a couple firearm dealers doing it. Would make sense to do it with higher end optics as well. Thinking of stepping into the Swarovski SLCs. I'm sure I'm not the only guy thinking this.
Appreciate the honesty. Try this, open up a new account at your bank and name it Swarovski. Put 500$ in it or whatever the minimum down on your desired gear is. Then every now and then drop bits of money in it. Having the visual of seeing money earmarked for something you want is good. We do this with all kinds of stuff. Between my wife and I we have 11 bank accounts for various things. My Africa account now has .07c in it. I need to start filling it back up.No benefit at all, really. Just not that great at saving for something.
I don't see them used very often? Are the older models as good?
Yes it is!Wouldn’t know....but a Cadillac is always a Cadillac.
I don't see them used very often? Are the older models as good?
I have seen several people mention cameraland on here. Didn't realize there was one person responsible for helping everyone. That seems like good business.
Started a Swarovski fund today. Discipline Discipline Disciline!