I’ve got a used L.E Wilson 7RSAUM full length bushing die and a L.E Wilson 7RSAUM micrometer bullet seater die up for grabs. Asking $110 for the seater die and $85 for the full length sizer die. Included with the sizer die will be two SAC bushing sizes .312 and .311 $60 value for the bushings. Also have two brand new boxes of 7RSAUM ADG brass available asking $85 a box for the brass. Also have a L.E Wilson 7RSAUM new case holder for trimming on a L.E Wilson case trimmer Asking $20. Have good feedback on here and will ship soon as I can once payment is received. PayPal is preferred or certified postal check. Any questions PM me here and I’ll get back to you soon as possible.