Kuiu Rewards

Feb 1, 2018
New York
I preface this post, with asking the Kuiu haters to please avoid filling this thread with merciless bashing. I KNOW your positions, and I get it. To each their own. This is for the Kuiu fan base and customers out there to have a discussion about this.

So... apparently Kuiu has started a new rewards program around purchases.

They clearly state the program starts GOING FORWARD. Even have an FAQ section saying, NO BACKDATING points. So if the program runs on a yearly basis. Wouldn't it make more sense to say, any purchases in the last 12 months you get credit for. Or even if they said the last 120 days.

SOMETHING, to show the existing customers that they appreciate them. Not just a, hey spend more money and lets attract new people with rewards.

Honestly, I love kuiu gear. I just bought a pack 2 weeks ago, might be why I'm so infuriated by this. I havent had great luck with their customer service. That has put a bad taste in my mouth. So I am started to get some of the hate, because I am the type of person that will walk away due to service.

If they dont back date some points. I might be done, and selling my new pack on here shortly.

I am going to call and fight. I think anyone with purchases in the last 4 months or so should do the same. The more they hear it, the more likely they are to start to fix the issue.

If you think im off base with this opinion, please let me know. And again, I beg, PLEASE PLEASE dont turn this into a Kuiu Bash fest. I want a real convo about the issue in question.

I preface this post, with asking the Kuiu haters to please avoid filling this thread with merciless bashing. I KNOW your positions, and I get it. To each their own. This is for the Kuiu fan base and customers out there to have a discussion about this.

So... apparently Kuiu has started a new rewards program around purchases.

They clearly state the program starts GOING FORWARD. Even have an FAQ section saying, NO BACKDATING points. So if the program runs on a yearly basis. Wouldn't it make more sense to say, any purchases in the last 12 months you get credit for. Or even if they said the last 120 days.

SOMETHING, to show the existing customers that they appreciate them. Not just a, hey spend more money and lets attract new people with rewards.

Honestly, I love kuiu gear. I just bought a pack 2 weeks ago, might be why I'm so infuriated by this. I havent had great luck with their customer service. That has put a bad taste in my mouth. So I am started to get some of the hate, because I am the type of person that will walk away due to service.

If they dont back date some points. I might be done, and selling my new pack on here shortly.

I am going to call and fight. I think anyone with purchases in the last 4 months or so should do the same. The more they hear it, the more likely they are to start to fix the issue.

If you think im off base with this opinion, please let me know. And again, I beg, PLEASE PLEASE dont turn this into a Kuiu Bash fest. I want a real convo about the issue in question.


Because of the internet and how fast things spread around is exactly why you will get nowhere with asking for them to backdate points. Think if they did it for you or anyone else and that gets posted. Then everyone contacts them with a “you did it for him” bitchfest. That’s why lines are drawn. That is why they are not crossed.
Hope you enjoy your kuiu gear and get great use out of it. That’s why you spent the money. Not sure when every purchase had to start coming with something extra for the consumer but that seems to be what everyone expects now.

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Yup way off base dude. I've used kuiu gear now for many years and have no entitlement issues to call and ****ing cry like a bitch. Sell your shit and move on....done.
Yup way off base dude. I've used kuiu gear now for many years and have no entitlement issues to call and ****ing cry like a bitch. Sell your shit and move on....done.

Okay, no need to be an internet hero and attack me. You simply could have said you disagree lol. But thanks for the opinion.

I just think it would be a good move if they showed their customer base that they value the prior business.
What customer service issues have you had? Just curious

Obviously I am a Kuiu fan. I have a lot of gear that I've purchased over the past few years. They aren't major issues. Little things here and there that were frustrating, that were handled better with other companies I have dealt with.

I called and discussed sizing and the suggested size wasn't right so I had to return and pay the shipping. (happened once, another time they comped the shipping since it was their recommendation).

I had a coupon that said nothing about an exclusion of using it on sale items. It was declined. I called and they wouldn't take it, even though there really was no reason to. After that, the next coupon I got, did have verbiage excluding the sale items.

Shipment got lost on its way to me. Getting the replacement was not as easy as it should have been in my opinion, the process took a long time. Other places I have gotten a replacement shipped and then they dug into the problem of where it was lost.

Again, these are little issues, but they add up somewhat. I will say that more recently those things have improved A LOT.
I think you are off base. See it for what it is, marketing. How can you set an arbitrary back date? What if they have a customer that has spent thousands of dollars with them 13 mos ago? Maybe they should back date it 18 mos then. No matter how they set the date someone, unnecessarily, is going to feel slighted.

No different than the multitude of threads that are going to start popping up next Jan after companies release their "new" gear. People will be complaining that they just bought a pack, set of clothes, etc and wouldn't have had they know new products were coming out.
Well, I posted on here as well as a KUIU buy sell group on Facebook. The response has been that everyone seems to disagree with my position. So maybe I was looking at this the wrong way.

Just frustrated I guess that I just put in an order recently and would have fulfilled a good chunk of the reward tier.

So that being said, I appreciate the opinions. I guess I just need to accept the fact that I just had bad timing haha.

No need for this thread to hang around. Is there a way to delete the thread?
The Inner Circle is not new. I have been a member for several years. I saw it on the website today for the first time so it looks like they are being more transparent about it and opening it up to everyone. It used to be after you spent a boat load of money with them over a period of time - they would add you to the inner circle. You would get early entry to sales and a gift card here and there. Nothing real big. I like that the new format. I like that you can see the various levels and perks based on your buying history instead of just random perks that you never know if you will get or not.
The Inner Circle is not new. I have been a member for several years. I saw it on the website today for the first time so it looks like they are being more transparent about it and opening it up to everyone. It used to be after you spent a boat load of money with them over a period of time - they would add you to the inner circle. You would get early entry to sales and a gift card here and there. Nothing real big. I like that the new format. I like that you can see the various levels and perks based on your buying history instead of just random perks that you never know if you will get or not.

Interesting. I wasn't aware it was a program they'd been running. Any idea what the threshold on spending was previously? I know I wasn't there even though it felt like I spent a boat load of my money on it hahahaha but just interested
If you only bought it 2 weeks ago and it is that big of a deal why not ship it back and re-buy?

Anytime a company does a change they have to draw a line. You think you are mad. I was working at Chevron when they did away with their pension plan. They made a hard line Age + Years of Service = X, if you were less than X you got kicked out of the pension plan.

If they lave it flexible its always going to be someone saying "but but I was only 1 week short or I spent a lot of money you should add me". The rule is the rule and they shouldn't flex it for anyone. Once they do they are SOL.
Send your pack back and reorder if you want it that bad

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On the shipping costs to do that, you lose out even more lol. Look I definitely exaggerated in my initial post. Looking back, dont know why I did that. I in no way would consider this enough of an affront to me to actually leave kuiu as a customer. I love the gear.

As I said the kuiu buy sell page on FB, I posted there first. There was a lot more of an attack on me, for posing the question, rather than a discussion for the most part like it is here. I was just looking for feedback from others, about whether they felt slighted as I did, or if I was off base.

So I posted here and may have been a little ticked at the moment. Either way, it appears my thoughts on the topic were off base.
If you only bought it 2 weeks ago and it is that big of a deal why not ship it back and re-buy?

Anytime a company does a change they have to draw a line. You think you are mad. I was working at Chevron when they did away with their pension plan. They made a hard line Age + Years of Service = X, if you were less than X you got kicked out of the pension plan.

If they lave it flexible its always going to be someone saying "but but I was only 1 week short or I spent a lot of money you should add me". The rule is the rule and they shouldn't flex it for anyone. Once they do they are SOL.

Yea, your scenario obviously is a TON more difficult to swallow than this, and that sucks.

I've said it a few times on here. Flat out I was wrong in my position. Thanks for your input
Yea, your scenario obviously is a TON more difficult to swallow than this, and that sucks.

I've said it a few times on here. Flat out I was wrong in my position. Thanks for your input

You're not wrong man. Your opinion is your opinion.

Most of us were just pointing out why companies can't leave room for flexibility.

When I was younger I would have had a similar view to yours, I've just seen a few times why companies don't do it. You get older your opinions evolve, but nothing wrong with having opinions.

I would rather someone have a different opinion than mine on a subject than no opinion at all. What I can't stand is when people get on here and say "Jason sucks, I hate him and his stupid company" or "so in so is a stupid head I'm never shopping there again". People make the best decision for their business they can and sometimes we as customers don't agree. We either get over it or take our business elsewhere.

A perfect example is first-lite removing their business from retailers, they will loose some customer but they obviously feel it is the best decision for their business moving forward. Time will tell.

KUIU is hoping this will encourage people to spend more to reach the next level of their "Inner Circle", it won't change my shopping habits but I bet some will see they are close and spend an extra $50 or $100 just to see what its all about. Best of luck to them.

Sorry, rant is over.
Thats why I opened with a please no kuiu bashing over this. Just a convo.

Appreciate your position. And that was my intent on posting. So I can see if my first opinion was hot headed or too personal or if others felt slighted by the policy.

Again, my personal scenario, I ordered 2 weeks ago. So I just missed out. The stuff I ordered came in two shipment. One was delayed two days. One was lost and then delayed and it was over 10 days late. That was all a fedex issue but still, nonetheless frustrating.

The way several people have put it on here, and rethinking based on that. I can admit my initial opinion was wrong.
This is really no different than a company deciding to have a sale or to lower their prices after you buy something. They owe exactly nothing to those who purchased prior to whatever change was made. Think if the stock market allowed for back-dated deals...pretty crazy, eh? Another good example is vehicle rebates and incentives. You buy today and score no incentives, but 2 weeks later the incentives are $1,000 on the same vehicle. Do-overs are not allowed, and the company is not going to just grin and hand you the $grand.

It really makes me crazy when people aren't lucky in terms of when they buy, and then they get upset with a company for having a sale, rebates, rewards or whatever but the company won't back-date it for them. Even worse in my book is the whole 'return it and buy it again' mentality which is frankly abusive to a company or retailer....just so a customer can save themselves a few dollars.