Kuiu gaiters


Classified Approved
Apr 26, 2012
I see that I got an email that the KUIU Gaiters are shipping. Looks like a nice product.
I got that email too, I will be trying them out this weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing how they do with stream crossings.
Hmm, I pre ordered and hope that I'm on this initial shipment! If not I might cancel and go with someone else... the next shipment isn't going to be arriving till late summer/fall correct?

me too, started checking the mail yesterday. This will be my 2nd kuiu order in a week, I know the wife will be scratching her head
HC: I'm not sure, but I didn't want to take a chance so I pre ordered early. I wanted the camo, but I know that they will not be here on time, but there could be more solids coming.

Keep: My wife knows I have an addiction to the stuff. She knows the KUIU gear is good otherwise I would not be buying it. Maybe your's just will have an itchy scalp if she starts scratching. Haha!! Sorry, couldn't pass that one up.
When did you guys pre-order your gaiters?
I just got off the phone with Kuiu and Jesse told me that he thinks that I pre-ordered soon enough that I'll get in on this first shipment. Though I'm still a bit confused because I remember Jason saying they were getting in a few hundred on this first order. If I was to get in on this shipment I figure they wouldn't take more than a week to get all 200 or so orders out correct? Maybe I'm missing something... ?

I'm not sure when I pre-ordered, but I'm guessing April or early May. Could be completely wrong. Somehow, either here or on KUIU, there was a thread talking about the gaiters coming out. I called KUIU right away to pre order or place another order. Anyway, the pre order was coming out the next day so they put me on the list. Can't remember what I ordered, but the shipped list is getting too long. If they think that you were early enough, you probably are.
I cant believe they chose to come out with grey first. I figured they would have done a vias, brown or olive. I'm waiting for the brown so at least there will be plenty of feedback on them by then
Already have some good gaiters, but was interested in something for early season and lighter. I got sucked in. I hope they are as good as "some" of their other gear.
Mine should be on the way shortly.

Jason posted on the KUIU site that the minimums for printing the vias camo is really high and the first run of gaiters wasn't large enought to make the minimum.
Just wearing the gaiters for the first time... Intriguing for sure! The type of velcro they use on these is unlike any type I've ever seen! The "hook" part of it is extremely small and almost feels like a rough grit sand paper instead of traditional velcro. Seem very tough, durable and well fitting. The boot lace hook combined with the strap makes for a good snug fit. Only complaint I have is it can take some practice it seems to get the velcro joint to line up square. Not bad but its better done with straight legs than say propping your boot up on a chair as I first attempted! One other thing is I'll have to get some external knee pads as they make it really cumbersome with my C4E element pants and the integrate knee pads. They come right to the center of them and it has a weird feel with them overlapping.

Worth the money? I think so, only time will tell! Think these would be good to wear on August bear hunts where you want to wear shorts and still not get your socks wet in the mornings!
