Roy Crock was a real estate genius, just saying.
I wouldn't say Kuiu is the American Dream, but I'd say he sure is selling it. And like Ralph Lauren and the rest, he's selling an image. High performance clothes and tailoring have been around a long time. He's just positioned it with a pretty cool logo, good marketing, a cool ass camo pattern, and the dream that you too could be on this mountain with a dead goat.
Kinda like Ralph Lauren where you get the hot chick on a yacht, Range Rover, and mimosa's for breakfast everyday.
So sure, as a business guy, seeing a business where it appears a guy found a decent button to put his finger on, it's pretty cool.
But I ain't buying it, literally. Everything I've tried had been shit, starting with the Ultra 6k and several tops. That's me. I don't like Tommy Hilfigher either. That's OK too.
Clothes make the man, but they sure as hell don't make a hunter. It is what it is and nobody that owns it thats a fan is going to kick their own dog.
I don't like turnips either, but I'm sure there's a lot of nice turnip farmers out there.