Kuiu Article

Kuiu should feel lucky Kifaru doesn't get into the high end back country clothing world. The Kifaru addiction is REAL! Kuiu addiction, pppffffttt.

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I've been at Kuiu a few times when there is a line of people to check out. Mostly locals and out of towners. But I've even seen people swing by that flown internationally into the area for whatever reason, but made a point to stop by the showroom. I think a Denver shop would do well. The Dixon store will be trippling in size the end of this year. I think the architectural plans are near finalized for the bigger showroom.
I didn't read all the posts so maybe this has been said but I don't see how pricing can remain where it is at once they have many retail outlets and custom tailoring.

I always thought the direct to you was to reduce markup but also to not have an overhead burden of retail brick and mortar cost driving pricing up? This will be interesting to see how it all pans out, hopefully he knows more about retail business then golite did.

His buying abilities are a little different know. With that said I'm not sure the retail space is where it's at for kuiu. He has done an outstanding job building a very niche brand. He has done it very very well. This make little sense following his business model ideology. Best of luck to him.
Denver metro 2.9 million people
Bozeman metro 100,739

Where would you put a retail store? I wouldn't think there was a big enough market for "custom tailoring" to merit opening retail stores. Retail in all sectors is dying. Cabelas is a billion dollar company and retail stores nearly broke them.
Denver metro 2.9 million people
Bozeman metro 100,739

Where would you put a retail store? I wouldn't think there was a big enough market for "custom tailoring" to merit opening retail stores. Retail in all sectors is dying. Cabelas is a billion dollar company and retail stores nearly broke them.

I agree..bozeman makes no sense

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Personally, I don't care for the sales model as a whole and this just seems like a bad idea but what do I know. That said if it would work in any city I would think Denver would be it. A lot's of Money goes through Denver!! I just can not think of any other city this model would work in though.
Personally, I don't care for the sales model as a whole and this just seems like a bad idea but what do I know. That said if it would work in any city I would think Denver would be it. A lot's of Money goes through Denver!! I just can not think of any other city this model would work in though.

Maybe a retail space in the Anchorage airport?
I wonder how slow sales will be in the off season, and if the prime sale months will be enough to cover the overhead for the rest of the year.

I agree that Denver makes the most sense, and perhaps it will get enough traffic from non-res hunters to offset off season slow downs.

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I wonder how slow sales will be in the off season, and if the prime sale months will be enough to cover the overhead for the rest of the year.

I agree that Denver makes the most sense, and perhaps it will get enough traffic from non-res hunters to offset off season slow downs.

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From articles I have seen there are plans for the brand to make athletic clothing for a focus on off season training. That partnered with the expansion of solid colors, I think that there should be fairly decent sales all year.

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A youth line is in the works. That may sell better through brick and mortar. As a parent it would make sense to see the sizes in person. Another service they could offer is pack fitting. That would bring people in year round who may impulse buy while there.

Wonder where in Denver?
Well if there is one thing we know, somehow Jason makes it work where no one else could, he's could sell ocean front property in KS and make it work.
I think it makes sense. A lot of folks don't feel comfortable dropping that kind of coin for a product sight unseen....myself included. I order a lot of stuff through Amazon for example, but there are some things I want to hold, try on, or look through before I buy. Binos come to mind here, i want to look through them first and compare them to others side by side before I buy. So, the internet only selling model can only take you so far until you hit a wall with a certain demographic.

As far as cabelas goes. That is apples and oranges. Cabelas is as much about shopping as it is about an experience. They have massive retail space that they barely fill with product. Yet, they can hang planes from the ceiling, have a mountain of mounts, a shooting gallery, a candy store, a massive fish tank and restaurant. Yet every time I forced to go there, they don't have a single thing I want! I hate cabelas.

If kuiu has a good retail space that they actually care about stocking actual product. They will do good. Too many people buy a huge space, space out the product and eventually morph into something that they never intrnded to be. If they dont go overboard and stick to what they are good at...they will do good and survive.