I’m going to try out some Tooth of the Arrow 4 Blade solids I picked up from a buddy. Changed strings on my Phase 4 and now the bow clocks differently so I’m going to switch to right helical. It’s a shame because these KuduPoints are sweet.
In theory you're supposed to match the direction of spin your fletchings impart on your arrow to the bevel (counterclockwise - left bevel, clockwise - right bevel.) I would imagine that you may not see that big of a performance shift if you are just flipping sticks at targets, but would see the difference in on-game performance as you'd begin your cut with the dull side of the tip. Admittedly, I haven't killed anything with these (which is why they are so handsomely beautiful) but that is how they work on paper.
Loss of energy on penetration, because your arrow is spinning one direction from the fletchings, then reverses as it tries to spin the other way through the animal
Makes sense. I’ve killed a couple bulls with them at longer distances. Performed flawless. Bounced a couple off some trees/limbs too from deflections and durability is incredible.