To be honest I’ve never ordered anything from them but I know they are part of optics planet. I’ve bought from optics planet quite a bit and their boxes say optics planet and dvor. I do see some nice deals but it’s never anything I’m looking for.
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I considered this, but went with the baby razor instead. It helps I don't know what I'm missing out on
I'm sure and I've got the 85mm razor, but I stepped down in bino quality from razors to fury's and down from 12x to 10x so I wanted some tool to peek just a bit further.Yeah the baby razor is much more affordable. I know vortex isn’t like on rokslide. Only comparison I have is a knowledgeable buddy thought his viper 65mm was better than the razor 50
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Ordered one. Been on the fence for a month or two since I left my Athlon spotter in the truck I rented from a local guy in Lanai who ghosted me when I texted him after getting back to Oahu and asking him about it. Hawaii is fun.
But this is the best price I’ve seen, and I want something so light that the weight isn’t a concern. So my 4 lb 4 oz Slik and Sirui tripod and head combo is going to need an upgrade as well.
Sold the baby razor for the Kowa 55. NO RAGRETS
At 2x-3x the price I wonder if the benefit is worth the cost? I’m still not sure my SLC 15x are +-$600 better than other 15x or 18x
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