This will be wordy and picture heavy...
Trip started in Texas for my Dad, Brother and I for a 1st time trip for caribou. 24 hours of flying and layovers we finally made it to Kotz.
2 more small planes in, and we'd made it to camp.

Spent the rest of the day setting camp, glassing the surrounding area, and looking for routes off of the hill we were camped on.

We saw a ton of caribou on the fly in day. A ridiculous amount... More than I thought we'd see given what the group that flew in before us said. What I didn't realize was how limited the "huntable" area is compared to what you can see. More on that later.
We called it an early night and all struggled to go to sleep.
Day 1:
Breakfast and start moving toward the only feasible route off of the hill we were on. Sidebar - the hill we were on was about 600ft higher than the surrounding valley floors, but we were cliffed out on all but one side. The only way down was a mile hike to the far side of the plateau where the slope was gentle enough to climb down. On the way to the route off the hilltop we spotted a group of bulls with some nice ones in it.

Brother saw one he liked and I saw one I thought I liked, so we dropped packs and made a mad dash to get in a shooting position. Caribou are funny critters. I know they saw us running full speed to get to where we would have a good shot opportunity, but they just did not care... Wind was blowing what felt like 50mph so we knew we wanted a close shot. We picked out a spot just on the other side of the ridgeline where when the caribou came over the top they would be well within range. Got there, got set up, and then........nothing. We waited for what seemed like 2 hours. Finally about half the group of caribou came over the hill. The bull my brother had picked out was not in the group, but there was one that I thought I liked. After looking at it some more, I decided I wanted something else, but my dad decided it was good enough for him. Bang, flop.
We were in the process of high fives and hell yeahs, when over the ridgeline I saw antler tops. About 8 sets of them. I hollered get down, caribou!
My brother fell back down behind his rifle and immediately whiffed his first shot. The wind was in our faces, and the caribou seemed like the just wanted to see what was going on so they made a gigantic circle around us. During that circle the caribou came into range and my brother took the bull he'd picked out earlier.
The 2 pictures are taken from the same spot with the down bulls circled in the background

Picture time

Trip started in Texas for my Dad, Brother and I for a 1st time trip for caribou. 24 hours of flying and layovers we finally made it to Kotz.

2 more small planes in, and we'd made it to camp.

Spent the rest of the day setting camp, glassing the surrounding area, and looking for routes off of the hill we were camped on.

We saw a ton of caribou on the fly in day. A ridiculous amount... More than I thought we'd see given what the group that flew in before us said. What I didn't realize was how limited the "huntable" area is compared to what you can see. More on that later.
We called it an early night and all struggled to go to sleep.
Day 1:
Breakfast and start moving toward the only feasible route off of the hill we were on. Sidebar - the hill we were on was about 600ft higher than the surrounding valley floors, but we were cliffed out on all but one side. The only way down was a mile hike to the far side of the plateau where the slope was gentle enough to climb down. On the way to the route off the hilltop we spotted a group of bulls with some nice ones in it.

Brother saw one he liked and I saw one I thought I liked, so we dropped packs and made a mad dash to get in a shooting position. Caribou are funny critters. I know they saw us running full speed to get to where we would have a good shot opportunity, but they just did not care... Wind was blowing what felt like 50mph so we knew we wanted a close shot. We picked out a spot just on the other side of the ridgeline where when the caribou came over the top they would be well within range. Got there, got set up, and then........nothing. We waited for what seemed like 2 hours. Finally about half the group of caribou came over the hill. The bull my brother had picked out was not in the group, but there was one that I thought I liked. After looking at it some more, I decided I wanted something else, but my dad decided it was good enough for him. Bang, flop.
We were in the process of high fives and hell yeahs, when over the ridgeline I saw antler tops. About 8 sets of them. I hollered get down, caribou!
My brother fell back down behind his rifle and immediately whiffed his first shot. The wind was in our faces, and the caribou seemed like the just wanted to see what was going on so they made a gigantic circle around us. During that circle the caribou came into range and my brother took the bull he'd picked out earlier.
The 2 pictures are taken from the same spot with the down bulls circled in the background

Picture time

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