AK Troutbum
As far as cost from start to finish for three people. You have your airfare from your point of origin up to Anchorage, round-trip airfare from Anchorage to Kodiak will be anywhere from $230 up to $380. Since there are several ways that you can hunt Kodiak, the pricing varies greatly. I have only done fly outs on Kodiak, and if you're looking to go this route you will probably need a beaver load for three people and all your gear. You could get by with a 206 load, but you will need to scale down your gear for that size of a plane. There isn't a huge difference in price between the two planes, and since you will be dividing it up between three people, I would recommend a beaver and taking enough gear for a comfortable camp. A beaver load to some of the farther places from the town of Kodiak will cost you approximately $1600. That will get you in and out of your hunting destination.