Kifaru Woobie vs Doobie - Worth It?

Feb 1, 2018
I am considering picking up a Kifaru Woobie or Doobie. I would be using it as a lightweight quilt for summer time camping with my kids and also for added insulation during hunting season such as when glassing or on my treestand whitetail hunts. What is everyone's experience with these? Are they worth the expense? Do you find the Woobie or the Doobie a better size?
If you know someone that can sew, I'd highly recommend a DIY kit from ripstop by the roll. Same insulation, multiple fabric choices, wwaaayyyyy cheaper than Kifaru and just as good (if not better)

My mom loves to sew, she's put together some awesome quilts for my families adventures.
Can’t say enough about my woodie. I use it as a stand alone sleeping bag/blanket in warmer months and extra installation when it’s cold out. I’ve found a bunch of reasons to use it. My dog loves it too


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I use my woobie quite a lot. Very versatile as its shell is tough relative to my other quilts and it cleans up easily so I don't mind using it as a wrap or the like. Sleep under it until it gets down in the 30s.

I would not do a doobie, since I would want down if it were that cold. Apex fill is nice but it doesn't pack down too well.
Love my Woobie and Weebie. Haven’t owned a Doobie yet. It’s a great addition to a bag that might be a little underrated, inside a bag to boost warmth, wrapped around me for glassing or at camp. Great as a kayak camping blanket in spring time or an emergency blanket in the car. Sent it with the kids on sleepovers in case they need to crash on the couch or on the deck. It’s too perfect to not have one in the cache. Can’t ever see myself without a woobie and not sure I need the size, weight, and bulk of the Doobie. Hence, I’ve never purchased one.

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I have an Army issued woobie/pancho liner that I have used and love for 20 years. I know go on sale for less than $30 all the time at military surplus. Looking at the Kifaru you are going to pay 5x that but they do look to be better quality. They even have me curious…
I have a couple down quilts, I love them for the extra insulation when sleeping, at times. In the field and hanging out at night in camp, I prefer my full zip down pants and parka.
I have the old Kifaru military “doubie.” They don’t make anymore. It has Velcro to make into a half jacket. I used to wear it over body armor. Love that thing. A lot warmer than an issued poncho liner, but when laid out to use as quilt it’s not as big. Look at the options from SnugPak, they have an oversized one that’s pretty warm. There is weight and bulk penalty though
I have a doobie express and, while I love it, it is very thick and bulky. For your purposes you would be supplementing your appropriate attire to take the edge off when you stop moving. I would definitely get the woobie. The doobie is more of a quilt for sleeping than a supplement like a woobie.
I have a kifaru woobie that is used all the time, My kids fight over it as a blanket in the living room. My woobie has probably seen use every day for the past year if not more. I have used it as a sleeping bag at scout camp and as a layer hunting when it super cold.
I am also an owner of a USGI woobie, I have had it for many years. My wife sewed a fleece woodland camo blanket to the one side and it makes it really nice. It is a bit heavy and doesn’t pack the best, but it is hard to beat.
I have a Kifaru woobie and a USGI woobie; the Kifaru is definitely nicer, but I don't think it's $140 nicer. I use it for spring, summer, early fall camping and sometimes as additional insulation winter camping. Related to @justinspicher's post above, I need to try one of these:

Zero Foxtrot Deluxe Woobie