Kifaru Stays


Oct 20, 2012
How hard is it to change from aluminum to carbon on the duplex? Has anyone done this and was it worth it for the weight savings?
In my attempt to lighten my pack while having money for other (admittedly Kifaru) toys I am not opposed to going with the composite stays. A while back the HPG forum had some tips to swap out the aluminum stays with lighter aluminum stays, for a much lower price point, at 8 ounces savings, which is nearly what the composite offers. I am planning on trying this, but I have to say, when I am standing my pack up in front of me and shooting off of the frame between the stays the rigidity really helps, so I may end up with Kifaru composite stays, anyway. But for about 15 bucks, it is worth a try.

Having read various threads it looks like if a person is unsure if stays may need to be adjusted to fit your back properly then aluminum is the only option? I assume the composites cannot be adjusted.
Having read various threads it looks like if a person is unsure if stays may need to be adjusted to fit your back properly then aluminum is the only option? I assume the composites cannot be adjusted.

Correct, although there are 2 different shapes of composite stays (regular and flat back).
Correct, although there are 2 different shapes of composite stays (regular and flat back).

I was not aware the composite stays we're available in reg and flat back. In Aron's video (regarding stays) he shows the composite as an option for only those with a standard back. If this is true I will want to revise my order and save the weight.