kifaru spike camp daypack???


Apr 27, 2012
Queensland, Downunder
gday folks,
i recently recieved a standard T2 pack and i have to say that the comfort of the waistbelt is amazing. it's impressed me so much that i'm considering trading my eberlestock blue widow for a spike camp for my daypack use. the difference in ergonomics between the eberlestock and the kifaru is night and day!

i have some questions about the spike camp though. since i already have one, will the standard grab-it fit on it? is the waistbelt and suspension on the spike camp the same as on the T2? basically i'm just wondering if the belt and harness are drastically different to the T2 since i know what i have with the T2? if they are very similar then i'm sure i'll like it. the comfort over the blue widow belt is a major reason for the change in pack. oh yeah, the spike camp is a little over half the weight of the blue widow for 200 cubic inches more capacity and it will no doubt be more comfortable with a load.

i feel that with a medium pod the spike camp will be a great daypack that will allow me to haul a little meat when i need to. (back legs, backstraps and shoulders of deer sized game)

anyone use a spike camp as their day pack?
is it a yay or a nay?
The Spike Camp uses an OMNI belt where the T2 uses a Duplex. Obviously a small pack will not have a big pack belt but the Omni is a perfect fit for the Spike. The Omni is very thin but it is wide and contours you perfectly with very even pressure. . I have owned 3 of them over the years and is the best day pack out there. A grab-it is one size and yes it fits the spike. Since the Spike is a small pack the Grab-it is almost a mini load panel on it.
I've been using my T2 as a day pack. That thing will compress way down. But if you needed to haul something out it balloons right up.
The Spike Camp uses an OMNI belt where the T2 uses a Duplex. Obviously a small pack will not have a big pack belt but the Omni is a perfect fit for the Spike. The Omni is very thin but it is wide and contours you perfectly with very even pressure. . I have owned 3 of them over the years and is the best day pack out there. A grab-it is one size and yes it fits the spike. Since the Spike is a small pack the Grab-it is almost a mini load panel on it.

A standard T2 uses wraptech I thought? The DT2 uses the duplex.
I just got a spike camp a month or so ago and have been playing with it. I also owned a t1 so ill try to give you a little info.

The grab it fits the spike camp, and like said above, almost works like a little cargo panel.

The spike camp is the Omni suspension. Its a little more scaled back compared to the t2. The belt is a little thinner along with the shoulder straps are a little thinner. Still very comfortable with a load. Iv been using my spike camp with 50lbs for training hikes and its a comfortable pack, that can handle a ton of weight. Not as comfortable as my t1 when I get around and above 50 but its not nearly as bad as my Blue widow was!

Ill use my spike camp as a day pack for hunting, along with a weekender pack for times im not going to carry meat. Iv got a KU long pocket to run on it and I may pick up another one. They weigh little, organize the inside of the pack, and can be slapped on all over the place when you need the space.

As far as a daypack goes, your not going to find a more comfortable day pack! I went with the spike for one main reason. In a day/weekender pack I wanted something flexible and small, something that stuck to my back, something I can shoot with it on wether its full or empty. With the spike camp on its almost like im not wearing a pack with 20-30lb load. The suspension works for it. And the shape of the pack aids in movement. Great day pack imo you will be impressed with it going from the BW.

Your going to have a hard time fitting bone in hind quarters in the back from bigger game. The pack is made to be skinny at the top and gets bigger at the bottom. Not a problem if you debone your meat. Although I think I could squeeze deer sized hind quarters in it, though it would be very very tight.

Youv also got the t3 and late season to look at for day packs as well. Those are 2 I considered as well.
yeah i thought about the T3 and the late season but the price is a factor too and i really don't need a daypack that big.
sounds like the spike camp will be as comfortable which is what i want. with the grab-it it should handle a little meat for sure.

thanks guys
I owned a Spike Camp so I will throw in my .02 I'm very picky about day packs so most of these are just personal gripes not really problems with the pack just so nobody gets their feelers hurt.

First the pros, the pack is very comfortable and well built I can't complain about the comfort. I love the shoulder straps they are IMO the perfect size for a daypack and the belt Is great also.

The things I didn't like were the lack of internal pockets. In a big pack I don't mind this but I like my daypack fairly organized. You can use pullouts and all that stuff, but IMO it just isn't the same. The other thing I didn't like was the small top opening. I really think the 3 zip design like a MR dragon slayer or bighorn is the best daypack access design out there.

I also didn't care for the map pocket, weird size and placement IMO. I also like having a lot of compression straps on a daypack for tripods,jackets, shooting sticks etc and also for strapping heads, sheds and quarters when you have to. Not having compressing straps across the front of the pack was strange. You could add these on so that isn't a huge complaint. The bungee cord on the front was great for snagging brush though.

I also wish the lid pocket was slightly bigger or maybe 2 of them. I think lid pockets on a daypack are nice for the things you need frequently.

Like I said these are all personal gripes, a lot of guys love the Spike but it wasn't for me. I'm currently using a Dragon Slayer and though I do like it I have complaints with it also. If someone out there has the skills to mate a Spike Camp, a Late Season, a Dragon Slayer and a Bighorn I'm all ears. We could call it the Big season spike slayer!
The Spike is small but is a great DAY pack. You said you have the T2. You mentioned the Late Season. The MAIN compartment of the T2 is a Late Season so you can get a good idea of size. The LS is an incredible pack. Maybe one of the best packs Kifaru makes. I could never fill my LS with strictly day gear so I think of it as an overnight pack? Since you do have a T2 I would go Spike so you have 2 totally different sized packs that will serve you for every hunting situation. I had the old black Spikes and they servers me well. The new Legacy line makes a very good pack great.
ckleeves sounds like you would have liked the k hunting pack that was discontinued. I cant remember the name but it was a front panel loader.

Also the legacy version added a lot of awesome features. My favorite addition is the 22 in stays, and the pals webbing that allows me to get to a few items quicker.
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ckleeves sounds like you would have liked the k hunting pack that was discontinued. I cant remember the name but it was a front panel loader.

Also the legacy version added a lot of awesome features. My favorite addition is the 22 in stays, and the pals webbing that allows me to get to a few items quicker.

Is that the Siwash?
I think so, honestly I think I would have gone with that one if they would have come out with a 'legacy' version.

It would have also needed the Omni suspension for me to get it. Another thing I like about the spike camp. The Omni suspension allows you to run without a waist belt, which is nice sometimes.
can someone please post a few pics of the load lifter area of the new legacy spike camp? i'm toying with the idea of adding my own aluminium 24" stays for shoulder lift with a load of meat. this might mean a few mods in that area similar to something like this- a few pics of that area of the spike camp would be great as i could work out if i could rig someting up to make it work with 24" stays.
are the stays removable and is the torso length adjustable?

^^ wouldn't work. I could get you pics... But the load lifters never leave the body of the pack if that makes sense, you would have to cut holes in your lid to allow them to go any higher. If 24" lifters are a requirement of yours id look at the t3 or late season.

Lucky enough for me im short and get some lift out of the 22" stays.

If you want any pics of the new legacy spike camp lmk and I can get you them.

The adjustment on the Omni suspension is different than that of the wraptech/duplex. Hard to explain again but I can get you pics if you really want anything specific to look at. It does have adjustment though.

Stays are removable. I have the composite stays in mine.