Kifaru Slick bag regrets?

No, wider means more work for your body to heat up more space.
Kifaru bags are pretty big as is, will work good even for active sleepers.
If you were taller and 210lb+ then go wide.

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Do you have a 20degree slik bag that you could provide dlat measurements on at widest and narrowest part?
I had a Center zip before they upped the insulation thickness. I liked the position of the zipper but did have the same issues with the Velcro poking and scratching at me. The hood shape was great. I’ve run EE down quilts too and the big box store sleeping bags. I’m back with a 20 degree wiggy for most of my stuff. Compresses to be just a little bigger and heavier than a comparable slick but to me warmer, way more durable and not ludicrously expensive. If I burn a hole in it, marmot thrashes it while I’m away or the insulation gives up I know I got my money’s worth.