Kifaru Shape Charge - Medium belt. Includes chamber pocket (green), internal frame sheet. Overall good condition. Used primarily for trail cams, PRS/NRL Hunter comps, and hiking. Missing some pack hardware in the images, but will rig it up before shipping to the original configuration from Kifaru.
Asking $325 shipped TYD. F&F payment only PayPal or Venmo. Not trying to pay more taxes. The gov’t sucks.
*Date is wrong in the image from posting date - Took images yesterday and didn't get a chance to post until now. Can supply additional images upon request.

Asking $325 shipped TYD. F&F payment only PayPal or Venmo. Not trying to pay more taxes. The gov’t sucks.
*Date is wrong in the image from posting date - Took images yesterday and didn't get a chance to post until now. Can supply additional images upon request.

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