Kifaru - school on hunting vs tactical frame

Extra connection point, thicker plastic sheet are the only differences I know of.

Yes and coyote brown frame sheet on tactical vs black on hunting. Just my opinion but the tactical version is the way to go I think. A little more rigidity with the thicker HPDE sheet and extra attachment points make it worth the extra few ounces. And not that color matters at all but I prefer the coyote brown frame over the black on the hunting version. I have read the trick thing to do it get some of the arrows along with the tactical frame and when you want to go light swap them and have a ultralight tactical version.
Extra connection point, thicker plastic sheet are the only differences I know of.

This. Ive looked at both ended up with the tactical little more weight but more versatility for me and the things I do. It was by chance I got the tactical My hunting frame wasnt ready wasnt going to be in time but they had the Tactical in. paid the extra and went home with it and havent gone back. Ive had both side by side and am completely glad it worked out the way it did. I do alot of different bags and pouches and mods so the tactical as been awesome for that.
It seems like if you were to mostly use the frame as a freighter the thicker frame would be better for strapping big heavy things or a moose quarter to it, the one hunting frame I have actually touched seemed to flex quite a bit which made me start looking a little closer at a Tactical, I am just not sure if it matters.
Keep in mind that the old duplex frames had the 1/8" sheet inside, like the Tactical does now. That's why I chose to get the Tactical, and yup, the arrow option will be good if needed for a lighter setup. I won't be using it for moose quarters or 100lb loads though. Man the upgrades on the suspension itself sure is a winner. Very comfortable in initial "testing".
The hunter is very flexible compared to the tactical. If I was to need strictly a hauler I would get the tactical frame. As an all around pack/hauler I find the hunter to be fine. I have had a hair under 80lbs in mine and it is extremely comfortable. That has been with only one set of arrows in it. I just put a second pair in last night and did a quick 2 miles with it and about 60lbs. It definitely stiffened up a bit. However, i don't know if it made any difference comfort wise?? I will leave 2 sets in as they are already in and work just fine.
Dammit, you guys are making me second guess my UL order?! I currently have a Bikini and when I get up over 75 lbs I lose all load lifter angle and get really achey shoulders/neck. I talked to the folks at Kifaru and they said the Duplex would solve that issue, but we never discussed the 1/8" vs 1/16" frame sheet.

Does the load hauling ability come from the frame sheet or the stays?

Can someone put a weight range on the tactical versus the hunter with the same stays in each?
Hootsma, my thinking when ordering was based on a video Aron did on the Tactical frames, basically explaining that with the Tactical you get the benefit of having the beefiest frame Kifaru makes, but with a simple swap out of the composite stays over to the arrow shafts, you have a very nice UL setup. I'm not looking at weights right now, but I'm certain the difference between the UL frame vs. the Tactical with arrows in the stay pockets is quite minimal. The Tactical frame offers more versatility.
I called Kifaru about it and was told that there is little to no difference between the two as far as load hauling ability and comfort under load, as long as they have the same stays. The load hauling comes from the stays not the frame sheet. It's a moot point anyways because I just got my shipping notice. Whoohooo!

According to the Kifaru site, there is a 9 oz difference between the two frames.
The load hauling comes from the stays not the frame sheet.

Which is why your Bikini frame you had was likely not adjusted correctly if you were not getting lift on it if above 75 pounds. Have packed a dozen or so animals out with the Bikini frame and a couple times it was over 120 pounds (measured on a luggage scale back at the truck) and always had plenty of lift…just not enough legs and lung. :)

Which is while when I get around to ordering a new Duplex UL it will be the thinner frame sheet but the composite stays and not arrow.
Which is while when I get around to ordering a new Duplex UL it will be the thinner frame sheet but the composite stays and not arrow.

That would make it the hunting duplex not a UL duplex right? My understanding was the only difference between the 'hunting' and the 'ultralight' was the stays vs. arrows and nothing else.
Yeah, the frame sheet should only really provides torsional rigidity. So it really depends on how much you want the frame to twist.

That would make it the hunting duplex not a UL duplex right? My understanding was the only difference between the 'hunting' and the 'ultralight' was the stays vs. arrows and nothing else.

I thought the UL has an even thinner plastic sheet, but don't know for sure.
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That's correct mtnclimber.
Ultralight And hunting duplex is exactly the same frame sheet.
Tactical is heavier.
My thought is that the tactical would be for odd shaped loads or extremely heavy loads if you use stays weaker or less stiff than the carbon, if not, why sell the tactical at all?
My thought is that the tactical would be for odd shaped loads or extremely heavy loads if you use stays weaker or less stiff than the carbon, if not, why sell the tactical at all?

Yes, you are correct (sorta). It has nothing to do with the stays (although may help the arrow stays a little), but instead providing torsional rigidity (won't twist) for those heavy and odd shaped loads. Also, in a tactical situation you may be doing stuff that no one would do while hunting. An example of something like that would be rolling on the ground with your pack still on. If it didn't have the added torsional rigidity it would be more difficult performing such an activity because the frame would simply twist.
I am really liking the thinner frame. The original duplex is a hauling piece of work but definitely stiff as a board. Though it may be more to do with the stays. The hunter with arrow stays is extremely comfortable. It does not pivot or move like an Exo frame but it is very nice to carry. I have had almost 80 lbs in mine with ZERO discomfort. I could not do 60 lbs in my Stone Glacier without bringing tears to my eyes! Absolutely no comparison. Kifaru hit it out of the park with the UL Hunter
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