Kifaru Reckoning Vs Exo k3 4800


Feb 22, 2017
I can’t decide on this. Kifaru frame looks more comfy. Big plus as I have back issues. Exo bag looks better laid out. I like the slide in side pockets and the horse shoe shape entry. And I like how the hydration pouch is isolated.

This will be an all around mountain pack. Will also use it to train.

Tent. Sleeping bag. Gun/bow. Tripod. All gear for 3-5 days.

Does Kifaru offer a rokslide discount? Lol
I've had the rekoning, have an exo 4800 k3, muskeg 2200, 44 mag, tactical Frame and the lite frame... not sure what I like best yet but I do like the exo bag layout a little better

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i have a kifaru duplex lite and a K2, those are the 2 systems i kept after a few years of trying a bunch. i have a reckoning, gnargali, and stryker xl for my kifaru, but the reckoning has never left the house, so can't comment too much on it, the gnargali fit my needs a little better.

for what it's worth, you have it narrowed down to some great options, and doubt you'll be bummed out with one over the other... the EXO 4800 is a super versatile setup, the ma duece or reckoning would be as well. i personally don't mind kifaru bags(wouldn't trade the stryker xl for any day pack) i do like the stretch pockets on EXO bags, they are handy for clothes or a wet shelter, but you can throw a grab it 2 on a kifaru and have the same convenience.

when it comes time to throw gear in a bag for a hunt, i do gravitate towards the kifaru more often than not, but both great companies backed by great people.... customer service is top notch from both, same with build quality
If you have back issues run the kifaru, it will be tailored to fit your body type better.
why not look at a ma deuce if you like the organization better. You won’t regret getting a bigger pack.
I just received the ma deuce , the whole time waiting on it I was thinking I went too big , and it is a big pack but even at half full you just cinch it down some and seems to function/carry just as good like that , plus when late season rolls around more room for bulkier gear , last I looked ot was still on sale as well.
Both are great choices and you’ve selected the two best options for your intended use. That being said the two are very similar but very different experience in use.
The new k3 frame closed the gap on Kifaru for ability to carry heavy loads up to 80 pounds. Loads above that hands down goes to kifaru. Exo is a one size fits all approach and they nailed the design to near perfection.
Kifaru has different options to tailor fit the frame stays to your back profile. In my personal experience using the same Kifaru frame (duplex Lite) I switched from “semi-curved stays” to “curved stays” and my max load went up by 40 lbs before slipping. Everyone’s back is different and certain packs will work better for you than others.
If you prefer a more user friendly layout with little fuss the Exo 4800 is for you. Its overall tapered shape helps position weight and balance for you. For weight training I find the Exo is much easier to get a sand bag in the proper ride height position without flopping all over the place. The reckoning has much more volume so you need to be more intentional how you load your items. When throwing a sandbag in for training you need something like a sleeping bag at the bottom to suck up all the extra volume.

Exo uses fewer straps so it’s quicker to get in and out of and you have less options on how to attach things to the outside, so it’s plain and simple.
On the flip side if you want the ability to carry out camp, your kill and half your buddies gear because he’s burnt out, the Reckoning is the do it all and then some tank! It has more straps, more volume and will do anything your legs can handle. It’s my perfect pack and I can’t see switching or modifying it in any way shape or form. That being said I have buddies who strongly dislike it and they run the Exo 4800 and 3500 and they love their set up.

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No way to do that. Nobody anywhere near me has them. I’m all ears on how to pull that off without buying both lol
You do have to buy both, but you try them and send the one you didn’t care for as much back. So it’s not really buying both.
I've had both. Prefer exo bags, kifaru frames. Tried the exo-on-kifaru deal, it worked but I'm back to all kifaru again.
i have both. Kifaru frame and belt much more comfortable IMO. Esp w/ weight. EXO is way better bag, IMO. Easier to get to load shelf, lighter, better pocket configuration.

I'm still trying to come up with a good way to get the exo bag on the kifaru frame.
i have both. Kifaru frame and belt much more comfortable IMO. Esp w/ weight. EXO is way better bag, IMO. Easier to get to load shelf, lighter, better pocket configuration.

I'm still trying to come up with a good way to get the exo bag on the kifaru frame.
I just ordered a 44mag, love the exo bag but not a big fan of the frame. Hopefully the frame will be better.
I have an EXO k3 6400, my hunting buddy had k3 4800. We are both the same size and We both had some issues with the k3 sagging with a lot of weight. I was able to get mine dialed in, he bought a kifaru frame and put his 4800 bag on it.
I love the EXO bags. Maybe buy the EXO 4800 and if for some reason you can’t get the EXO frame to work buy the Kifaru frame and use the EXO bag.
Man. Y’all haven’t made this any easier. At all 😂
Call EXO up, their customer service is excellent. I’m not sure what the all the stipulations are but I think you can buy it, try it out and if your not happy send it back as long as it’s like new condition.