Kifaru Predator/Turkey Pack

Jan 6, 2018

Stryker XL paired with a cabelas tactical tat’r Turkey vest/chair. (The cabelas speedy tote predator vest has the same chair and would work Too) I’m pretty excited to try it this spring. Now I can carry wayyyyy too much stuff while Turkey hunting.

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Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
I'm using the Kifaru Mountain Rambler. I unhooked everything except the load-sling which is attached at the very bottom of the frame. The metal frame sits between the Kifaru frame and the load-sling and is pushed all the way down so it sits on those two attachment straps.

Then I took a compression strap from the middle attach point on the side of my pack frame and looped it around the top, middle of the metal frame, and back down to the other side of the pack frame. This keeps the metal frame tight by pressing down while the bottom straps hold it in place there.

Last I used the bottom, side attachment loops on my pack frame and took another compression strap all the way around the metal frame and back to the opposite side of the pack frame. I wrapped the compression strap one full time around the metal frame on each side to help lock it in.

Let me know if that is clear enough or if I need to take some more photos to show the details.
pretty snazzy! i like it. i might copy some of that idea, i never bring anything to sit on, and calling lions especially (70-90 minute stands) my skinny ass gets sore in some scenarios, and being still is of course critical just like coyotes or turkey.... some good ingenuity there, my stryker xl with a seat connected would improve my quality of life a bit

here in a few weeks i will be making some trips to the NE corner of the state to chase merriams
Justin Crossley

Justin Crossley

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Buckley, WA

Stryker XL paired with a cabelas tactical tat’r Turkey vest/chair. (The cabelas speedy tote predator vest has the same chair and would work Too) I’m pretty excited to try it this spring. Now I can carry wayyyyy too much stuff while Turkey hunting.

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Looks perfect!